Finally, after an endless battle with two different calculators and a mobile phone, and after redoing the sums a grand total of three times to be sure they were accurate, I present:
The results were calculated by my working out the average of every story in the competition, rounded to two decimal places, and then finding the average among the teams from my total, and without further ado, those total scores are:
Team Schmoop: 8.64
Team Angst: 9.02
Congratulations team angst!
Both teams were excellent, and I hope everyone will join me in a round of internet applause for every writer who produced something for this competition. You guys all rocked. Well done, and thank you so much for entering! ♥
And, in closing:
Poll Next time on spn_heraea... Please note, if you vote 'gen,' that the competition for genfic will be Angst vs Humour, not angst vs schmoop. Schmoop, I feel, applies best to pairing fics. ;)
Well, that's all. Thank you for playing, either by writing or by voting, and I hope you all enjoyed yourselves - you were all great fun to chair. *g*