Title: Small Hours
Supernatural: Redemption Road (for full series info, warnings, and disclaimer)
murronCharacters: Castiel, OMC
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~2,290
Warnings: language
zatnikatel and
nyokaNote:: Part of our collection of
DVD extras - outtakes, deleted scenes, missing scenes, and episode tags/codas that take place before, during, or
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Comments 63
But dammit, Harper's such a good guy, really. He's just in the wrong place with the wrong guy (THE WRONG GUY, I SAY).
:/ I'm in a virtual cage of emotions.
Anyhoo, thank you <33!
Ugh I love that Harper is such a precious nice guy. I'm so dubious about OCs but oh my God, Harper has this huge story and this huge plausible personality and he's not even been in it that much yet but oh God he's wonderful. I at least hope he doesn't die or turn into a toolbag.
I also love Cas' song referral. << Precious sweetheart, this is why people fancy you.
Tell you the truth, I'm relieved people seem to sympathize with Harper. He grew on us too! Poor sap's just in the wrong place with the wrong guy. As for what's in store for him: the second part of the chapter goes online tomorrow!
The song referral was 100% zatnikatel's idea and I love it to pieces! She really brings the Cas deadpan humor. Glad you like it as well!
Thank you so much for reading and commenting ! It's very much appreciated. <3!!
I'm so relieved people seem to sympathize with Harper. He's grown on me! As for a reappearance in S8, that would indeed be great but it depends on whether the porch will hold, won't it ;-p
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