Title: Episode 24: Redemption (Epilogue)
Supernatural: Redemption Road (for full series info,
warnings, and disclaimer)
swordofmymouth and
zatnikatelCharacters/Pairing: Dean/Castiel, Sam, OC and canon characters
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: ~9,200
Warnings: language, violence, explicit sexuality, references to torture and Dean/Alastair
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Comments 208
So fucking beautiful. It's open but totally tied up, I love it. I love Dean's awesomeness and stratosphere sex and Gabriel.
I would've liked to see Mira's reaction to Ruby though, and loose ends with her and Sam.
But I love you guys. Greatness abounds, thank you for ending with sex and cute Cas-ness.
When we decided to go end!verse with this we kinda wanted to follow the actual episode in terms of structure, so once we got to that point, we pared it down to Dean and Cas, pretty much like the ep itself had been. We set up Ruby as one of several plot bunnies for any possible follow up... Sword and I have brainstormed ideas for a possible sequel that would be a joint co-write and not on anything like this scale… I just can't handle the stress of anything this large again. We're not entirely sure if we'll do it, but we definitely hope to write together again, so who knows? If we don't, we also feel we've left them at a point where they can be left: all of them with the things they need to ensure that 2014 Zachariah showed Dean never happens.
Thanks so much for reading along! We finally got there! And apologies for the tardy reply - we're both pretty burnt-out and have needed some distance this week!
You've broken my capacity to feel, and I sincerely thank you all so much for that <3
We're thrilled to have had you along on this odyssey...
It's funny but the idea for this initially came from my sheer butthurtness at what happened in 6.22, and I was a little amazed anyone wanted to participate, period. But together we took that butthurtness and turned it into something really positive that was a celebration of all that we love about all of these characters. I hope we've provided a good story and I hope also that if nothing else, this VS is proof positive that Cas could quite easily be integrated into the onscreen Winchester family without negatively impacting on the central sibling relationship/interaction in any way, shape or form. Because as we know, if the writers want to create a schism between Sam and Dean for plot purposes, they will do it even in the absence of Cas (coughs, season 7 ( ... )
Basically this is my second Lord of the Rings, you guys. I hope your realize what a big fucking deal that is. What a big deal this whole project is for those of us who are too in love with Dean and Cas' love, too in love with Team Free Will. A million times thank you. For giving them the story they deserve. And for giving us reason to cheer their love on.
No thanks at all though for ruining all future attempts at writing fanfic for me. xP Nah, I'm kidding. but seriously.
It is odd to think that it is over but at the same time it is a relief, as it was a stressful project at times - albeit very personally satisfying. It's nice to be able to kick back and read fic instead of writing it!
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