Sing, O muse

Mar 12, 2016 13:08

Mythology recs! Supernatural is already full of myth and folklore, old Gods and rituals. It's what I love about it. Here are stories, both SPN and SPN RPF, that feature classic Greek mythology, or create lingering legends of their own.

The Old Gods Return by fleshflutter (Sam/Dean, NC-17)
Notes: Beautifully written horror meshed with HP Lovecraft (warnings: ( Read more... )


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Comments 5

somer March 13 2016, 19:00:21 UTC
Thank you for the recs <3 TWO MORE :D

Stirring Up A Storm by ashtraythief (J2, NC-17)
Summary: Jared is the God of Sports and occasionally he gets a little too caught up in his job. His boyfriend Jensen, the God of Weather, is not amused. So when Jensen withholds cold weather during the winter Olympics, Jared must come through for his followers and convince Jensen to give them real winter weather.

How To Woo A Human (No Goats Required) by whiskygalore (J2, NC-17)
Summary: God Jared is determined to woo his beloved human Jensen, despite his mother's misgivings and Jensen's cranky objections.


souslelys March 15 2016, 03:20:51 UTC
Love both of these, thank you!!


Edition 3,463 livejournal March 14 2016, 00:36:25 UTC
User slytherinblack referenced to your post from Edition 3,463 saying: [...] by (PG-13) Recs Mythology recs [...]


missyjack March 14 2016, 01:59:20 UTC
Wonderful rec list - thank you!


souslelys March 15 2016, 03:21:11 UTC
No problem, I hope you enjoy!


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