Title: MPREG, Alien Babies, and Love/Hate Marriage Proposals: A Kink Bingo Love Story
Words: 1600
Summary: Wherein a thousand questions are asked, but none are answered.
Chad laughs nervously. “You don’t think she - she sat on that one too, right?”
Jeff looks stricken. The button says MPREG. A poppy lands on someone's nose.
shhhhhhhh sounds off just behind the crew, and Chad throws an ugly (or normal) look over his shoulder.
“You shush!”
Felicia swings with a hand to the back of his head. No one seems distracted by it aside from Danneel.
“Are you all usually this abusive?” the especially-seductive redhead asks while softly petting the ginger kitty across its cheeks.
“It’s Chad,” Alaina responds, staring at the passenger hold that is now opening with fog hiding the two men who’d been copulating for nearly three hours straight, “And they’re coming out.”
Chad snickers, and this time it’s Jeff smacking the back of Chad’s head.
“It’s alarming he doesn’t even flinch,” Danneel offers, and Felicia just shrugs.
“Uh, Captain?” Alaina asks with a small laugh at the end of it that gives Jeff a quick flare of heartburn for what new troubles await them
“What now?”
“Beside Chad being Chad?” she replies (or maybe it’s Felicia. Or Danneel. Not like there aren’t too many characters to track here).
“You look very pretty stroking that pussy,” Chad says with just the barest hint of a smile.
With the cat tucked neatly into the crook of one elbow, Danneel reaches out with her free hand to cold-cock Chad right in the nose. His head sacks back as quickly as it flinches forward with a pitiful “ow.”
Danneel grins. “Wow. That felt amazing! Now I see why you keep him around.”
Chad smiles through the blood dripping from his swollen, red nose and over his lips. “I can make you feel even better, baby.”
She makes a fist and Chad all but runs to the other side of the room.
“Okay, okay, forget I ever said anything.”
“We do every day,” Felicia says with her sights stuck on Jared and Jensen. Or rather, Jared’s hand stroking over Jensen’s small, soft, round tummy that causes his shirt to rise just enough to catch sight of bare skin.
Back to her original point, Alaina coughs and gestures from Jeff over to the apparently proud papas. “But we don’t encounter this every day.”
The crew all look to Alaina then follow her eyeline and the room goes quiet.
Literally. No one makes a sound. No one has anything fun or witty to say because this is far off the radar.
So far off that not even the author Trekkkkie Sector 2-16 could not bother to google it pick it up, and that bitch has some killer moves with its antennas.
Alaina has the grateful scars to prove it.
Jeff clears his throat and brings a hand up, pointing fingers towards the two men, then slants an eyebrow while moving his hand to the side, and yet again waves his hand while standing up straight. He fidgets a few more times, struggling to find the right thing to say at this time, far more confused when Jared and Jensen simply grin at the whole group. All while Jared’s palm slowly draws circles over Jensen’s rotund belly.
Felicia also remains silent. And confused.
Alaina’s eyebrows both rise far up to her hairline.
Danneel softly smiles, with her lips tipping up in one corner as if she’s excited, impressed, and turned on all at once.
It’s to everyone’s surprise that Chad has remained silent so far.
Of course, that doesn’t last.
“May I?” he asks, and all at once, the group waves for him to take on their shock and awe. “Did you shoot that much jizz? I mean, seriously. I’m not grossed out-”
“Of course not,” Jeff says plainly.
“-I’m just really fucking … impressed. To make him that fat? You are some alpha sonuvabitch.”
Jensen’s serene smile quickly drops to make way for a growl. “I’m not fat.”
“And I’m not the alpha,” Jared says with the same dopey-eyed, knucklehead face he’d had when they all first met him, “And he’s not fat. He’s just got a really cute li’l tumtum.”
First, Jensen blushes, then he giggles. A full-on tee-hee when Jared’s fingers dance over the stomach that somehow seems to have grown in the last five minutes.
Jeff sidles up to Alaina’s left just as Felicia appears at her right. “Is he really …” he whispers.
Felicia awkwardly shrugs. “Maybe he’s just … bloated.”
“He can’t be pregnant.” Then Jeff’s voice rises high, “Can he?”
“Why are you guys asking me?” Alaina huffs.
“Because you’re the senior redhead on board,” Felicia offers.
“You’re my right-hand man,” Jeff supplies before flinching with a swallowed shout when Alaina punches him in the gut. “Woman,” he groans through the pain, “Sorry. I forgot.”
“That’s better,” she grins, “But you should also not forget that you’re the Captain of this ship. No one moves a muscle without your order.”
“Yeah, right,” the whole crowd mumbles together.
“So, Mr. Captain, Sir,” Alaina says sweetly, puckering her lips with cocky satisfaction, “What do we do now?”
He narrows his eyes at her, suddenly seeing a new light to the sultry redhead, and imagining a whole new way to use her as his right hand …
“Jesus, does your dick ever take a break?” Chad asks.
“What?” Jeff whines then follows everyone’s obvious looks to his dick, which is rising to half mast. “It’s been a long time, alright?!”
“Since I found Tweddle Dee’s mouth wrapped around it just a few chapters ago?”
A chorus of eww and ohh rises in the room.
Felicia makes the obvious observation: “Were you watching it?”
“Were you enjoying it?” Alaina asks with a small laugh.
“Am I the only one not totally obsessed with sex and more interested in what’s happened now that the young buck stuck his horns up the chihuahua’s ass?” As they all stare at Chad, he realizes-for once, seriously, there should be a parade for this observation-how dumb he sounds. “Or you know, why the little one is now knocked up?”
“It’s the circle of life,” Jared says with that same tranquil smile.
“And it moves us all,” Jensen finishes.
“Through despair and hope.”
“Through faith and love.”
“’Til we find our place.”
“On the path unwinding.”
“Oh god,” Felicia whines. “I thought it was only Alaina that sang showtunes.”
“Only when I’m with my gurl JC.”
“Jesus Christ?” Jared asks.
Jensen rolls his eyes. “I’m all doped up on pregnancy juice and even I know Jesus has nothing to do with this.”
“Maybe it’s the poppies!” Felicia calls out, bringing everyone back on track from three pages ago. “I mean, his stomach is growing exponentially faster that any normal pregnancy. Even if you’re knocked up on Octosan, tentacles take a few days to grow. This has been only hours!”
“So, he’s having an alien baby?” Jeff asks then clears his throat. “Yes, of course. An alien baby. The center square on kink bingo.”
“We have to celebrate!” Jared cries out before kissing Jensen’s ear, then his neck, biting into his shoulder, hands dragging lower than Jensen’s belly.
“Whoa!” Jeff yells. “Not that kind of celebrating!”
“A baby shower?” Danneel seems to poll the crowd by smiling at each of them and nodding. “Yes! A baby shower!”
“What do you buy for an alien baby?” Felicia asks, seeming to be only semi-serious. At least Jeff prays she is.
“Where are we gonna find any decorations?” Alaina offers as a more impressive question.
Another dozen questions fly through the air, including …
“Do you think it’s a boy or a girl?”
“What if it could be both?”
"Will I ever get my balls back?"
“Where can I get a drink and blowjob?”
“Can I be the godmother?”
“Wanna buy entertainment on Cinemacksian?”
“Are you talking about hookers?”
“Whose turn is it to hit Chad?”
“Oh, can I?”
“Can we get back on track here?”
“Does anyone know what’s happening in this story?”
“How about this chapter?”
“How about someone man the ship and move us forward?” Alaina yells with something more like a command.
“Marry me?” Jeff asks, eyes wide and cheeks pink.
Dramatic music plays, with sweeping strings and pretty-oh-so-pretty piano keys. Alaina stares at Jeff, while Jeff fondly watches her back in anticipation.
The rest of the crew stand by with breaths held, unsure if this whole matter will end in Jeff sweeping his second-in-command up into his arms to march over a threshold, or with Alaina to pick Jeff up and toss him off this ship.
Suddenly, the music scratches and the room is left in awkward silence.
Danneel sweeps the ginger kitty up from the controls. “Dang, this kitty is a slippery one.”
A dirty, low chuckle is followed by all yelling, “CHAD!!”
“Sorry,” he murmurs. Then adds, “Hashtag not sorry.”
“Soooooooo,” Jensen asks, “Are we still having that shower?”
“It could double as a wedding-slash-baby shower,” Felicia suggests with a toothy grin to Alaina.
“Shut up,” the other, other redhead says through tight lips.
“Nope.” Felicia continues to beam with excitement over the continued awkwardness of the question still hanging in the air.
“Well,” Jeff says before clearing his throat, “What do you say?”
“Yeah, Alaina, what do you say?”
I tag