Apr 26, 2013 12:01
The theme for this round is MOVIE POSTER (open for FPF)
You can decide what kind of movie you think SPN should be, just try to communicate your idea clearly! Also, most posters would have some lettering. :) If this is not a good theme for you, stay tuned, the next round is probably going to be something shippy!
If you want to participate in this round submit your sketch to this post by Saturday, May 4th. As long as it's still May 4th somewhere, you're good. Assignments will be mailed out as soon the the matching is done (1-2 days). Then you get one week to create your artwork. Please note that we will crosspost the results of the rounds to tumblr (credited, of course).
Please provide the following information:
E-mail address:
Image, embedded or linked:
If you don't have an account or prefer it for other reasons, simply comment anon or e-mail spnartistswap@gmail.com, but please include your preferred handle so we can refer to it when posting.
Comments are screened! Anon is on.