Frequently Asked Questions

Jan 21, 2012 23:44

1. Can I make art in addition to writing a story? 
Sure- the more people that sign up, the merrier! Just remember to sign up on both the writer's and artist's sign up posts so we know you're interested in both.

2. Can writers team up to work on a story together? 
Yep, just make sure that when you sign up, you indicate that you'll be posting as a team and list both names on your sign-up post.

3. Is there a maximum word limit? 
The minimum word count for the story is 15,000 words, and the story you submit at the deadline needs to have a beginning, middle, and end. There's no maximum limit, so go nuts!

4. Can a writer sign up for more than one story? 
No, we're keeping it to one story per writer or team for this round. Depending on demand, we may change that for future rounds.

5. Does the story have to be a specific pairing?
No. We are open to anything - het, slash, or gen. There are no specific pairings needed for this challenge!

6. Can I write a threesome or polyamorous pairing?
Threesomes and moresomes are definitely allowed.

7. Can I include RPF/RPS?

8. Can I post additional art that I or someone besides my artist has done? 
Not until at least a week after your story's posting date. We certainly don't want to discourage people from making additional art, but we want to make sure your artist's work gets a chance to shine as well.

9. What counts as art for the purposes of this challenge? 
Banners, posters, book covers, illustrations, icons, videos... we have a pretty wide definition. Fanmixes, while great, can be included but do not count as art by themselves.

10. What if I finish ahead of deadline? 
Well, you win our admiration, for one thing. And feel free to submit your draft anytime you're finished- just send the summary information that'll be included on the sign-up posts to

11. What happens if I don't make the deadline?
No problem, we understand that sometimes life gets in the way or you end up with something way more epic than you intended. Your summary won't be posted for the artists to pick from, so you won't be able to participate in this round, but keep writing! You can always work on it and submit it for the next one.

12. I keep my journal f-locked. Can I post the story on here? 
We prefer that you don't post the full story on here, but link instead. You don't have to have your journal open to the public, just the posting for the story or art.

13. Can we write in The End, It's A Terrible Life and The French Mistake universes?
Yes! All three episode universes are accepted for this challenge.

14. What is an AU?
AU simply means "alternate universe." For this challenge we are specifically stating that an AU is something that deviates from the consistent canon world of the characters. For example, if you want to write a story with college!Sam where Dean comes and stays with him at Stanford (completely throwing off the canon-verse where he takes Sam away from Stanford) then that would be considered an AU.

If you have questions about any of this, don't hesitate to either ask in the comments below or email us at


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