This is the place to share your thoughts/reactions for episode 6.09 only - please join in the discussion, but NO SPOILERS for any upcoming episodes, including the promos for next week, as per community guidelines.
This is the place to share your thoughts/reactions for episode 6.08 only - please join in the discussion, but NO SPOILERS for any upcoming episodes, including the promos for next week, as per community guidelines.
This is the place to share your thoughts/reactions for episode 6.07 only - please join in the discussion, but NO SPOILERS for any upcoming episodes, including the promos for next week, as per community guidelines.
Sorry for the lack of news on Monday, I had probably the worst day so far in my career and had a early night... unfortunately the next day wasnt much better Hope any Asylum go-ers are back home okay
This is the place to share your thoughts/reactions for episode 6.06 only - please join in the discussion, but NO SPOILERS for any upcoming episodes, including the promos for next week, as per community guidelines.
Apparently, I have no concept of time! Please, comment on the Pimpyo and Reccs post... they seem to be gathering dust- which I guess seems to suit the Halloween theme this weekend. Lol.