Title: The Time Machine
egoteprovocoRating: PG-13
Warnings: Do not read if you have not seen the finale. Do not read if you are still feeling particularly fragile because of the finale.
Summary: I have traveled four months into the future and returned with an interview with Eric Kripke.
September 1, 2008
Eric, it has been four months since we saw Dean torn apart by hell hounds...and, frankly, the suspense is driving us crazy. What can you tell us about the new season?
Well, as I'm sure you've heard, there are going to be some significant changes to the show this year. At the end of last season, we really felt that we had done as much with the brothers dynamic that we were able to do. So, I went to the network and said, "Look. Either you need to let us take Sam and Dean's relationship to another level (by which I mean kissing -- with tongue) or we need to kill one of them off and bring in a fresh point of view." I was disappointed, but not really surprised, that the network vetoed the Wincest...and it was sad to go back to work without Jensen, but we are very excited about Sam's new partner, and I think the fans will really embrace her this time.
"This time?" So Sam's new partner is a female character we've seen before? Tell me it's not Jo.
Haha. No, it isn't Jo. We didn't just get rid of Sam's brother so that we could give him a surrogate little sister. It was, actually, a very long process, deciding what kind of character would contribute best to the story line. We decided quite early to bring in a regular female character. After all, I really do listen to the fans. They had been upset for quite a while about the lack of strong females on the show. We also wanted a character who would care enough about Dean to help Sam in his quest to free Dean's soul from hell. Cassie was just the perfect character to fit those roles.
You've tried to introduce female characters before, and they haven't been very well received. What makes you think this one will be different?
I think the mistake we made when introducing characters like Bela and Jo was that we didn't immediately establish them as love interests for the boys. We thought they could gradually grow into that role if the story line called for it. This time, we're doing it differently. In fact, the first ten minutes of the season premiere is going to be a sex scene between Cassie and Sam.
You are going to up the hotness factor on Supernatural?
No, not at all. Cassie and Sam both have all kinds of baggage because of their relationships with Dean. In order to be true to their characters, this sex scene is going to be the most awkward, disturbing ten minutes we've ever filmed. I'm extremely pleased with it.
Um...ok. So, after the excruciating sex scene, what else can we expect to see this season.
Well, Sam is going to fully embrace his powers, so the demon war will be wrapped up in the first four episodes. We didn't really have the budget to stage a war anyway. After that, we get to start a new story arc in which we combine Sam's knowledge of the occult with Cassie's newspaper writing skills and the two of them travel around the country researching mysteries and publishing their adventures in the Weekly World News. It'll be just like my original concept for the show.
Er...What about Dean? Will he get out of hell?
What? Oh, yeah. Sure. Sam will free his soul towards the end of the demon war. We're hoping to get Jensen to come back to do a bit like Jeffrey Dean Morgan did at the end of season two. But that's not important. It's the Sam and Cassie show now.