Edition 2,603

Jul 05, 2013 00:16

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Fanfic: Sam/Dean
Clarity by eboniorchid (Nc-17)
What It Takes 27/? by crimzonchyld (R)
Sure Got a Dirty Mouth 60/? by justinedelarge (R)
These Dreams 5/? by ilikecrystals (R)

Fanfic: Gen
Tiger by the Tail by judith_88_g (R)

Fanfic: Other
Devoted 17/? by luciel89 (Dean/Castiel, Sam/Jess, John/Mary, Jo/OMC; NC-17)

Fanfic: RPF
The Hunter Chronicles: The Silver Glint of the Double Edge Swords 7/? by feday_kin (Jared/Jensen; NC-17)
Happy 4th of July by cadkitten (Jared/Jensen; NC-17)

Genetically Altered Humans recs at j2_recs

Dean and Sam from "Bugs" by raloria
AHBL animation + lyrics by kj_svala

Podfic: Mistakes, they're memories made read by colls (Sam/Dean; PG-13)

Together like the Devil and Sin by mithborien

Jensen playing basketball with Oscar at all_spn
Updated S8 Filming Dates/Locations by raloria
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