Title: Dark Enough to See the Stars (Original prompt: Aida, by Giuseppe Verdi) Artist: cassiopeia7 Pairing(s): Dean/Cassie, unrequited Sam/Dean Rating: PG-13 Warnings: [Only a spoiler if you do not know the opera. :)]Major character death, unhappy endings all around, and massive artistic license taken with astrophysics and black-hole science. (Really, now. If a singularity
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WOW okay I wasn't sure how an Aida space AU would work but that was toooootally awesome, I love how you staged characters in each frame (I think the split wall is my favorite), and how brightly colored everything is! :D
Thank you kindly, milady! I'm kind of thrilled that people who really know the opera are happy with it. No, make that REALLY thrilled. ;) And, yanno, thanks to YOU for helming this challenge, because who knew how much fun it could be to toss Winchesters into an opera? :D
Thank you! I'm glad I didn't totally ruin Verdi's beautiful story, and I know this sounds weird, but I'm absolutely over the moon that you found the last scene heartbreaking. *pets your poor broken heart*
JDM is quite the impossible man. Me need LOTS more practice! *grumbles* :D
Comments 4
PS I think JDM might be even harder to capture than Jensen! You did a great job.
JDM is quite the impossible man. Me need LOTS more practice! *grumbles* :D
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