Summary: On New Year's Eve ten years after the end of Supernatural, Jared goes to sleep in Los Angeles and wakes up in Vancouver, in bed with Jensen Ackles. And they've got kids.
Summary: The path to parenthood is full of complications for Jared and Jensen, who are forced to take part in a trendy parenting class to improve their chances at adoption. Can they survive encounters with obsessive tabloid reporters and nosy talk-show hosts, handle the needs of a very special robot and resist the gravitational pull of the small planet called Vin Diesel? Will they come through unscathed and unscarred on the other side of this story? Will there be schmoop? (Spoiler: There will be schmoop.)
Hello there! So lovely to see your pixels. I hope things are going well for you, and wish you good holidays and a good new year. Also, THANK YOU for posting this link. I've looked and wracked my brane trying to remember title and/or author with no luck. So you're my lifesaver. Thank you so much!!
Comments 4
Lingering in the Golden Gleam by causeways.
Summary: On New Year's Eve ten years after the end of Supernatural, Jared goes to sleep in Los Angeles and wakes up in Vancouver, in bed with Jensen Ackles. And they've got kids.
Fic #2 Yes, Sir (I don't mean maybe) by hkath.
Summary: The path to parenthood is full of complications for Jared and Jensen, who are forced to take part in a trendy parenting class to improve their chances at adoption. Can they survive encounters with obsessive tabloid reporters and nosy talk-show hosts, handle the needs of a very special robot and resist the gravitational pull of the small planet called Vin Diesel? Will they come through unscathed and unscarred on the other side of this story? Will there be schmoop? (Spoiler: There will be schmoop.)
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