Hi guys,
As it says above this is a repost of a request I originally made here:
http://community.livejournal.com/spnstoryfinders/5972207.html "I'm looking for stories by pekover, "Evolution" and "Eventing" in particular but in general I'll take anything that you guys have saved.
I've seen these stories recced so many times and I'd love to read them, so if you can help me out I'd be most grateful."
I understand that people can be reticent about sharing fic when the authors wishes with regards to fic sharing are unknown and to that end I have since been in contact with peckover.
While she does not wish here work to be uploaded anywhere she has given her permission for us fans to share her stories amongst ourselves.
Here's a link to that conversation:
http://pekover.livejournal.com/52867.html?thread=2082947#t2082947 Now I'm hoping that someone out there has the stories saved and feels able to share it, knowing that the author has given her consent.
What do you say guys, can you help a fangirl out?