Seeking fics

Oct 11, 2011 22:42

Looking for a specific wincest. It lists facts about sam and dean such as they love each other and are in love. Also dean wants to call themselves delta force instead of boyfriends.
Also looking for pdf's by deleted author gothic_angel86 any of them are fine
A couple of reposts 1.I remember reading a specific fic that was wincest(?) and I can't seem to find it now. I think it was after there Dad just died and Dean was contemplating suicide but (ok this is gonna sound cheesy) Kinda like the ghost from Christmas past (but it wasn't Christmas) came to show Dean what life without him would have been life for Sam and Dean finds out that Sam would have been abused and neglected by John. Does this sound familiar to anyone? Thanks. P.S It may have or may not have been Wincest but I'm 95% sure it was.
2.Sam is living the 'white picket fence' life in a nice house with a loving girlfriend or wife. When Dean shows up at his door one day he either doesn't know who he is or he been out of his life for several years. Dean knocks Sam out, and when Sam wakes up he's tied to a chair in the basement. Dean is trying to convince his brother that the happy wife he's been living is only a fantasy put into his head by the demon pretending to be his girl. (Can't remember if it's Meg or who.) Sam thinks this dude is crazy, until his girlfriend attacks Dean for interfering in her plans to separate and damn the brothers.
*First request found*

!deleted-journal/story, pairing: dean/sam, !e-book/pdf

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