May 09, 2012 17:36
Hello Everyone!!
While excitedly waiting for Big Bang stories this year I decided to reread some of my favorites from previous years and realized that one had been deleted so I am hoping someone knows where I can get a copy (if it is allowed but I didn't see any prior posts about this author). The story is called FLOODLIGHTS and it was written by ambigiuous_opal for Big Bang 08. I have included the summary of the story
Summary: Jensen Ackles has two things to blame for his recent string of bad luck: Karmology and Chad Michael Murray. They've driven him to the brink of death, brought on international humiliation when Chad left him for Jared Padalecki and now threaten to destroy the people Jensen cares the most about. But these things are also the biggest reminder that sometimes the worst things in life can give us the things we hold dear...
Thank you in advance!!
PS-Mods I am not sure about the tags since I don't remember all of the story but I tagged what I remembered
affliction: hurt!jensen,
person: jared padalecki,
person: jensen ackles,
warning: suicide,
person: chad michael murray,
!specific fic,
!status: found