lf deleted fic: kikkimax and zanne - found!

Aug 02, 2015 21:55

Hi everyone,

First time posting here, although I've found some fic for people now and then.
I was looking for a few rereads and was shocked to discover some of my favorite crossovers missing!

Does anyone know what happened to Zanne's Pagan Gods 'Verse? It's an SPN fic that spins out into a verse that crosses over with a bunch of different fandoms. It's always been one of my multifandom happy places, but I can't find it anywhere now.

Same for Kikkimax: her SPN/Criminal Minds crossover series that starts with 'Defect' seems to have completely vanished, plus the website it was posted on.

Does anyone know what happened and - if the authors are okay with it - have a PDF or EPUB copy to share? Maybe via Mediafire so everyone can enjoy?

Thanks so much for your help!

Edit: Pagan Gods was taken down for publication (Zanne is not comfortable with open sharing of the Pagan Gods verse for this reason) and Kikkimax's fic found in a link below. Thanks everyone!

crossover: dark angel, crossover: criminal minds, !deleted-journal/story, crossover: stargate/atlantis, crossover: firefly, character: sam, character: dean, creature: gods

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