For anyone who doesn't have a master post of fic and would like one made, just let me know by commenting here. I can post it here at this comm or at my DW where I host the two I've already done just for my convenience (
here and
here). Yours will look more like the latter because with the first one I really was going for my own convenience and 99% of the fic in that journal had only one pairing. The second one's formatting is copied and pasted from the headers of the fics themselves since I liked the author's formatting. Though I should probably go back and bold the categories so it'll look prettier, like this (this sample is from one of
lexicale's fics):
The Quiet GiftRating: PG-13
Genre/pairing: Gen
Characters: Dean and Sam Winchester, periferal Bobby
Word count: 1,497
Summary: Ten years later, they're keeping on keeping on. And they have a farmhouse.
Thoughts? Opinions? Any takers? Anything I should change in the format?
This offer is for SPN fic only. Also, it's not LJ-specific. Dreamwidth, AO3, Sinful Desire, whatever. :)