Title: We are Just Flesh and Blood
Author: Paynesgrey
Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: Movie only
Summary: Uhura contemplates their differences.
Uhura is waiting after Spock returns from an assignment on an unexplored planet, and immediately she notices the scrapes on his hand.
She approaches him with worry, but typically he appears at ease. “Let’s head to sickbay,” she says, and Spock nods curtly. Though his wounds are small, this is the first mission on the Enterprise where she’s seen him bleed.
“Wait,” she says, and he obliges. Uhura takes his hands into hers, caressing them affectionately as she stares at the green color in pause.
Yet they are similar in mortality, his blood reminds her just how different they are.