do you...
[ ] have a bf
[x ] have a gf
[ ] have a crush
[x ] feel loved not romantically, at least.
[] feel lonely
[x] feel happy
[ ] hate yourself
[x] think your attractive
[ ] have a dog
[x] have your own room
[ ] listen to rap
[x] listen to rock
[ ] listen to soul
[ ] listen to techno
[ ] listen to reggae
[ ] paint your nails
[x] have more than 1 best friend
[ ] play an instrument
[ ] have slippers
[x] wear boxers
[x] wear black eyeliner (occasionally)
[x] like the color blue
[x] like the color yellow
[x] like to read
[ ] like to write
[ ] have long hair
[x] have short hair
[x] have a cellphone
[x] have a laptop I might be getting one for college.
[ ] have a pager
are you..
[x] bored
[x] happy
[ ] bilingual?
[x] white
[ ] black
[x] colombian
[ ] asian
[ ] short
[x] medium
[ ] tall
[ ] sick
[ ] naughty
[x] lazy
[ ] single
[x] taken
[ ] talking to someone
[x] iming someone
[x]scared to die
[ ] tired
[x] sleepy
[ ] annoyed
[ ] hungry
[x] thirsty
[ ] on the phone
[x] in your room
[ ] drinking something
[ ] eating something
[ ] in your pjs
[ ] ticklish
[x] listening to music
10 Things You're Scared Of (in no order):
10. big spiders
9. large angry people with machetes
8. life after high school
7. losing friends
6. losing tessa
5. death
4. george w. bush
3. office of homeland security
2. Heartbreak
1. big flying monkeys
9 Of Your Favorite Possessions (again, in no order):
9. laptop
8. bank account
7. cell phone
6. stereo
5. clothing
4. my office chair
3. my bed
2. my watch
1. my longboard
8 Of Your Favorite People (not counting friends and family).
8. jon stewart
7. edward norton
6. john kerry
5. alexander
4. cleo
3. filbert the destroyer
2. that one guy from Snow Patrol that says "go" really sexily
1. ahahaha
7 Of Your Favorite Bands.
7. Cake
6. Ben Folds Five
5. Modest Mouse
4. Fountains of Wayne
3. U2
2. The Wallflowers
1. The Silly Willy Panda Bears
6 Things You Wear Often.
6. my watch
5. my hi-tops
4. levi strauss 569's
3. linen shirts
2. wool jacket
1. boxers?
5 Things You Use Everyday.
5. AIM
4. cell phone
3. pen
2. laptop
1. my mouth
4 Of Your Favorite Places.
4. My room
3. The Internets
2. wherever my friends are
1. california
3 Of Your Favorite Movies.
3. fight club
2. pulp fiction
1. office space
2 Things You Wish You Could Change.
2. myself
1. the president of our nation
1 Thing You Couldn't Live Without.
1. me!