1) Do you have a cell phone? Yep, it's going a little psycho though.
2) Do you like boots? Umm...no not really.
3) Do you have a cat? Nope, i just pretend like the Kerrigan's cats are mine.
4) Have you ever gone bungee jumping? No but I so want to...I don't know if I could bring myself to do it, but I want to.
5) Do you wear fake pearls? Negative
6) Have you ever shoplifted? Not other than like eating a jelly bean once when I was a wee one...
7) Have you ever stolen candy from the candy shop? See above...
8) Do you live in an apartment? Nope
9) Have you ever stayed up all night? Haha...too many times...
10) Do you like little kids? Yep, estan buenos...
11) Do you take pictures of people's toes? Haha, all too often.
12) True or false: frue...
13) Do you like to perform? In some twisted way yes, and at the same time it scares the heck outta me. I don't know what that means...
14) Have you ever been to Chicago? Nope but I wanna go see Manda and Hutch
15) Does your mom know you have a MySpace? Hah...I don't have one. So take that.
16) Does your mom HAVE a MySpace? Nope she's still working on the emailing pictures to people thing.
17) Have you ever tried committing suicide? Nah
18) Are you famous? Mhmm....no.
19) Have you ever met a celebrity? Not that I can recall...
20) Do you like Hilary Duff? Umm no.
21) Do you like to take pictures? Oh my goodness yes.
22) Why are you taking this survey? Ah...funny story...because I came into the school library early today so that I could study for my Spanish test abit before I go take it...only to discover that somehow I left my backpack with all my books and notes at home...so here I am.
23) Do you like oversized sunglasses? Hah, I think they're great...so funny.
24) Do you like Paris Hilton? Eww, not so much.
25) Do you play with bubbles? I wish
26) Are you a redhead? See above
27) How many uncles do you have? Umm....lots....12.
28) What kind of computer do you have? You know, I have no idea. Mike bought it, that all I know.
29) Are you superstitious? Nope
30) Do you read the dictionary for fun? Of COURSE not (okay...yes...sometimes)
31) Do you shop at Hollister? Nope, the music's too loud (not to mention I'm cheap)
32) Have you ever worn fishnet tights? Heh, no, my mom would probably have a heart attack or something
33) Have you ever been called a loser? No doubt
34) Do you have an iPod? Ah...no. So jealous.
35) Are you a skater? Nope.
36) Do you think spelling "skater boy" like "sk8er boi" is cool or weird? Absolutely retarded.
37) Do you like Britney Spears? Definitely no.
38) Have you ever had an eating disorder? No, just a lot of weird self image stuff.
39) Have you ever been to Israel? No but I'd like to go someday. It'd be sweet.
40) Do you like to wear polka dots? No...mainly because I don't have any and I'm pretty sure I would look like a clown in polka dots...I love them in a weird way though.
41) Do you and your friends like to hang out at diners? No not really
42) Do you steal sugar packets from restaurants? When I was like 5
43) Do you speak French? Not a word...other than the English words we use that are of French origin...which I'm guessing doesn't count.
44) Are you Jewish? Nope.
45) Are you/were you ever a Girl Scout? No, never was.
46) Do you watch SNL? No...no not really ever.
47) Do you believe what you read in tabloids? Uh...considering that the most recent cover story of a tabloid that I saw was about how some Emporer of China was actually either an alien or a woman because of how he shook hands....we'll go with no.
48) Are you a pyromaniac? No, but fire is awesome.
49) Do you have a fish? Nope. Went with Janet to get hers though, does that count for anything?
50) Have you ever partied all night? Yep...but not the typical "partying"
51) Do you want to join the Navy? Nope
52) Do you eat string cheese by peeling it or just biting it? What's the point of eating string cheese if you don't eat it in little strings? It's a MUST!
53) Do you like cranberry juice? Yep, but it's pretty overwhelming.
54) Do you want to be a model? Never.
55) Do you play the French horn? Heh...sure.
56) Do you call fries "French fries" or "Freedom fries" or something else? Uh...french fries.
57) Do you like sparkly things? Yes, yes I do.
58) What does your mousepad look like? It looks suspiciously like my old psych folder...
59) Do you watch Family Guy? Nope...don't think I've ever seen it.
60) Do you cheerlead? Yeah no. Though I remember when I was like 9 and I went to camp we had to choose our acivities for the week and one of the ones I picked was cheerleading...so me and my friends all learned these three cheers and then later I taught them to my cousin. Someone has me and Melinda (cousin) doing one of them on video...I'm so humiliated. I know you all wanted to know that.
61) Do you pop your collar? Oh yeah...except I don't have collars. So that would be a negative.
62) Do you shop at Hot Topic? Like twice...and never bought anything, so no.
63) Do you live in a city? Umm...Lake City? Yeah I guess so.
64) Do you read Harry Potter? Nope
65) Are you athletic? Yeah relatively. Though one of these days I'm gonna wake up and all my muscle will have turned to jello. And then I won't be able to get out of bed. I need to find a soccer team...
66) Do you like chocolate? YES. Yeah.
67) Have you ever lived in Kansas? Nope...
68) Do you have satellite TV? Yeah but it's Christian satellite TV...got it forever ago. The great thing is it has a bunch of relaly random old shows like The Adventures of Ozzie & Harriett and Dobie Gillis and Gilligan's Island...etc. etc.
69) Are you a dancer? HAH! Am I coordinated? Only in a chase you down the soccer field kind of way. Dancing is fun though...I just happen to be horrible at it.
70) Do you like Doritos? Looove them
71) Do you smoke? Not regularly...I've had a few cigars in my day. From all the lighters I own and the fact that I have a box ful of (my brother's) cigars in my room you'd think I was a smoker, though.
72) Are you in a band? Nope...I want to play an instrument though, that's be sweeet.
73) Do you wear short shorts? Haha, prettymuch never...like three times a year or something.
74) Do you work out at the Y? Nope
75) Have you ever paid for something in all nickels? I don't think so...all coins though definitely.
76) Do you like strawberry ice cream? Eh, yes. But chocolate (and a billion other flavors) are way better.
77) Have you ever passed out? Negative
78) How many bones have you ever broken? None...never! I always feel like if I talk about never having broken a bone I'm gonna break one like five minutes later...so I may be sitting completely still for the next five minutes...
79) Do you make prank calls? Nah, I wouldn't know what to say.
80) Have you ever sent a lot of pizzas to an enemy so they'd have to pay for them? Haha, no...such a clever thought though.
81) Do you have a digital camera? My family has one that I've kind of claimed as my own...but it's not very good.
82) Do you like shopping at Staples? Oh man do I love office stores...seriously...they're amazing.
83) Have you ever cut class? Umm...no. Sounds like barrells of fun though.
84) Do you shop at Abercrombie? No
85) Have you ever shot spitballs when the teacher wasn't looking? No...when my parents weren't looking, yes, when the teacher wasn't looking, no.
86) Have you ever kissed someone just to make your crush jealous? Haha uh...no.
87) Has anyone rejected you when you asked them out? Never asked anyone out.
88) Have you ever had a friend tell a crush you liked them? Umm...can't remember. If I did it was a long time ago.
90) Are your parents strict? Yyyeah. My mom's kinda lightening up though, which is nice.
91) Do you play lacrosse? No, I wish.
92) Have you ever been evicted? Nope
93) Have you ever gotten detention for something you didn't do? I've never gotten detention period
94) Have you and your best friend ever liked the same person? Ah...the joys...yeah that was like nearly a year of my semi recent past...
95) Have you ever gotten drunk? Not I
96) Do you have a crush on a celebrity? Haha no, but if I had to pick someone it'd be...uh...John Cusack maybe? By far one of my favorite actors that's still around., though I'm pretty sure that he's a relatively weird guy.
97) Have you ever gotten a haircut that everyone had and then the next day it was "uncool"? Don't think so...mebbe.
98) What's your favorite color? Green. It's the best.
99) Do you like steak? Yyyes. Yes I do.
100) Did you like this survey? Sure why not...