Name: Tracey (Dawn Alice) Hamilton
Age: 22
Sex: Female
Location: Guelph, ON, Canada
Zodiac/Birth Sign: Aries!
Height: 5'11
Eyes: Green with gold around my pupils and lil brown specks :)
Hair (Color/Length): blonde... long-ish
Hobbies: playing with my rat and guinea pigs, learning about animal behaviour, reading, intellectual debates, environmentalism, voluntering for the Jane Goodall Institute and Guelph Students for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (I'm on the executive)... working to bring humane education to the University of Guelph by bringing alternatives to dissection and animal experiementation for undergrads.
Likes: animals, plants, nature, learning, friends, school, my job, my boyfriend, love, sex, snuggles, community, veganism, camping, canoeing, volunteering, laughter
Dislikes: ignorance, violence, speciesism, sexism, racism, jerks, fighting, depression, hunger, war, politics, people who don't care about the environment, cruelty, diabetes.
Strong points: i love deeply. empathetic, reliable, trustworthy, intelligent, passionate, love creatures great and small, love children (and they become OBSESSED with me haha), and i give great rat massages.
Weaker points: opinionated (good and bad points), emotional (again, good and bad), strech myself too thin, have trouble controlling myself sometimes...
What are some of your talents/skills? I can talk to animals, can calm people down when they are upset, am very understanding...
What is your current occupation? (if still in school, just say so) i work as a Research Animal Technician Assistant as I go to University for Zoology.
(Please simply place an "X" beside any statements that pertain to you. BE HONEST!)
You are a happy person. (X) (for the most part)
You are on the quiet/shy side.
You are thrifty. (X)
You are "hip". hahahahahahahaha...
You love your job. (X)
You are scatter-brained.
You are a dominant individual. (X)
You are physically strong. (x) compared to what though...
Others find you intimidating. (X) sometimes.
You are naeve.
You are considered "cold-hearted" at times.
You are forgetful.
You often try to make the best of things. (X)
You are sarcastic. (X)
You are a determined individual. (XX)
You are well known in your community. (X)
You are artsy.
You are conniving.
Others find you freaky or weird.
You are good at managing money.
You are knowledgable. (X)
You tend to over-eat.
Color: purple, green, pink, red.
Smell: happy animals about half an hour after they've bathed themselves, laundry, gasoline, permanent markers, my boyfriend (him, not cologne)
Food: apples, dark chocolate
Place: bed, under the stars...
Music: all different kinds! it depends on my mood.
Optimist or pessimist? optimist
Money or happiness? happiness!!!!!!!
Burgers or salads? salad - i'm vegan.
Totalitarianism or democracy? democracy please.
Conservative or wacky? WACKY!
Trend-follower or trend-setter? setter
Car or public transit? public - conserves energy and pollutes less! :)
Land or water? i need both to survive!
If you were to move to Bikini Bottom, what 5 things would you bring with you? my best friend, my pets, books, computer & net to keep in touch with my friends above, my man.
Describe yourself in one word: passionate.
Got any dreams or aspirations? to see the end of speciesism... *sigh*
What would you say is your motto? All you need is Love.
Anything else? i don't think so... hehehe
Out of curiousity, how did you find this community? looking at what stamps my sister had and seeing a SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS community!!
Please attach at least 1 clear photo of yourself: