Who Lives in A Pineapple Under the Sea?

Dec 18, 2006 20:51


Name: Samantha

Age: 15

Sex: Female

Location: New York

Zodiac/Birth Sign: Virgo

Height: 5'2"

Eyes: Hazel

Hair (Color/Length): Light Brown and a little above my elbows

Hobbies: Going to Broadway shows, reading, writing, acting, singing, dancing around my room, imagining, daydreaming, sleeping, giving, playing video games, DDR, hanging out with friends and watching a good movie.

Likes: Broadway, TV, Spongebob, Ice cream, Avenue Q, A Chorus Line and other various things that I can not think of. Oh, did I mention Hunter Foster and Hugh Jackman?

Dislikes: Hatred, pettyness, those snotty people who come in to Hallmark and yell at my boss because they can't return Webkinz or Ornaments and claim they had no idea (when it's on the receipt), saying "gay" like it's a bad thing (I may be straight but it PISSES ME OFF TO NO END.)

Strong points: Patient, generous, kind, good with children, difficult to get me angry.

Weaker points: Immature at times, anxious, worrywart, scared very easily


What are some of your talents/skills? I can sing, dance, write poetry, act (sorta), imitate Stitch, and recite a few of the lines from various Spongebob episodes. I also practically have the Avenue Q CD memorized.

What is your current occupation? (if still in school, just say so) I am in school, but I work at Hallmark (cashier and I also fill in items for people to buy.)


(Please simply place an "X" beside any statements that pertain to you. BE HONEST!)

You are a happy person. X

You are on the quiet/shy side. X

You are thrifty.

You are "hip".

You love your job. X

You are scatter-brained.

You are a dominant individual.

You are physically strong. (DEFINITELY NOT)

Others find you intimidating.

You are naeve.

You are considered "cold-hearted" at times.

You are forgetful.

You often try to make the best of things. X

You are sarcastic. X

You are a determined individual. X

You are well known in your community. X

You are artsy. X

You are conniving.

Others find you freaky or weird. X

You are good at managing money.

You are knowledgable. X

You tend to over-eat. X (sometimes)


Color: Green :)

Smell: Buttercream

Food: Pizza

Place: NYC in the Theatre Community

Music: Showtunes, My Chemcial Romance, Queen, Chicago, and others. :)


Optimist or pessimist? Optimist!

Money or happiness? Happiness :)

Burgers or salads? Burgers!

Totalitarianism or democracy? Democracy!

Conservative or wacky? Wacky!

Trend-follower or trend-setter? Depends. I usually just wear showshirts, but I do have a few trends.

Car or public transit? Public. :)

Land or water? WATER! I AM A WATER RAT!


If you were to move to Bikini Bottom, what 5 things would you bring with you? My iPod, my teddybear (his name is Honey Bear), my Box of Playbills, Pookie (my cow from RENT), and Hunter Foster. If he wasn't working in a show at that time. :)

Describe yourself in one word: whimsical.

Got any dreams or aspirations? To be on Broadway, and to tell Spongebob and Patrick what's funnier than 24.

What would you say is your motto? Hakuna Matata.

Anything else? uhh... Broadway ROCKS!

Out of curiousity, how did you find this community? I went on the stamping community that has lists of things

Please attach at least 1 clear photo of yourself:

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