About You
Name: Kaela
Age: 16
Positive adjectives to describe you: confident, happy, intelligent, ambitious
Negative adjectives to describe you: manipulative, arrogant, opinionated, stubborn
Your personality (in complete sentences, this time): I'm really fun and I honestly don't give a crap what people think of me. I'm really judgmental but I don't try to hide it. I don't pretend to be anything that I'm not and I really think that I embrace my own self totally and completely.. I'm really passionate about what I am and the stuff I do. =)
and because I feel like i have to include this, to put it short, i can be a bitch sometimes hahahaha
Likes/Hobbies: dancing, singing, acting, HARRY POTTERING, RENT, hanging with my best friend
savaburryPet Peeves: stupidity, ignorance, Miley Cyrus, Twilight, self depreciation, posers
Question Time!
What do you like to do in your free time? i'm big on like, the arts. so I like to sing/dance/act etc. lately all I've been doing is geeking out over rent, HP and musicals and crap with
savaburry haha
Do you get along with your neighbors? yeah I generally get along really well with people
How do you feel about your job? (If you’re a student, how do you feel about school?) eh, i don't care about school tbh haha i mean I get good grades but I REALLY cannot wait to be done. we have senioritis as juniors hahaha
What are your opinions on love and relationships? eh, love is whatever haha i don't care really
What are your thoughts on friendship? friendship is vital! seriously i would not survive without my friends haha
How do you normally treat your enemies (or people you severely dislike)? tbh I don't like to cause drama so i usually go vent to someone (COUGH
savaburry) and then I like to get it out of the way and clear everything up... idk really haha i mean i hate having people mad at me and i hate being mad at people so i try to get it all sorted out. if someone wants to be a bitch i can do that right back though hahaha
What motivates you? I set high expectations for myself
What are you most proud of? that i don't pretend to be anything i'm not
This or That
Optimistic or Pessimistic: optimistic
Introverted or Extroverted: extroverted
Mature or Immature: immature most of the time hahahah but i can be mature
Hardworking or Lazy: LAZY hahaha
Selfish or Selfless: selfish lmao
Determined or Resigned: determined
Confident or Insecure: confident
Humble or Proud: proud!!!! haha
Leader or Follower: leader
Impulsive or Cautious: impulsive
Are You…
[x] Ambitious
[ ] Annoying
[x] Artistic
[x] Assertive
[ ] Cantankerous
[x] Eccentric
[ ] Greedy
[ ] Hot-Tempered
[x] Imaginative
[ ] Innocent
[x] Intelligent
[ ] Materialistic
[lmao] Maniacal
[x] Strong
Directly, Obviously, and Unabashedly Sponge-Related
Do you have a favorite episode? What is it, and why? I really love the pretty patties eepisode hahaha idk why but I also like the HASH SLINGING SLASHER!!!! episode haha
Who is your favorite character? (You don’t have to answer this) I like ... THE GUY WHO YELLS MY LEG! IN EVERY EPISODE HAHAHAHAH
Who is your LEAST favorite character? (This is your chance to rule out ONE character) I really don't like ... idk haha I don't think I'm like squidward, if that counts
And Finally…
What is the Krabby Patty secret formula?!!!! pickles
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