About You
Name: Emily
Age: 16
Positive adjectives to describe you: Friendly, Bubbly, Ambitious, Kind, Funny, Positive
Negative adjectives to describe you: Lazy, Impatient, Shy, Awkward, Hot-Tempered
Your personality (in complete sentences, this time):
Likes/Hobbies: Harry Potter, Hot guys, Food, My mum, My computer, TV Shows, Going out with friends
Pet Peeves: The sound of people eating, Bullies, Feeling left out, Cheese, Miley Cyrus
Question Time!
What do you like to do in your free time? Going on my computer. Snitchseeker.com dominates my life haha. I do like to spend time with my friends too, go to a movie or something
Do you get along with your neighbors? Not at all haha
How do you feel about your job? (If you’re a student, how do you feel about school?) I go to college, and i HATE it. well i love being with my friends, i srsly laugh every day. But i get flooded with work, and its just. ugh.
What are your opinions on love and relationships? Oh gosh, i love love and relationships. It makes me feel really warm inside like for real. For me, its the best feeling EVER.
What are your thoughts on friendship? I think its just so important for living. Like, i'd be a wreck without my friends. Like a little depressed emo or something haha
How do you normally treat your enemies (or people you severely dislike)? I don't treat them as anything. Most people i hate, have a higher social status than me hahaha D:
What motivates you? It takes a lot to motivate me, cos im SOO lazy. I'm not sure what motivates me really, i just know that i have to do something and i leave it to the last minute.
What are you most proud of? Umm idk, getting into the higher level in college. haha
This or That
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Pessimistic mainly, with a tiny bit of optimism
Introverted or Extroverted: Introverted mainly, extroverted around close ones
Mature or Immature: Immature!
Hardworking or Lazy: Lazy!!!
Selfish or Selfless: Selfish
Determined or Resigned: Determined
Confident or Insecure: Insecure
Humble or Proud: Humble
Leader or Follower: Follower
Impulsive or Cautious: Cautious
Are You…
[x] Ambitious
[x] Annoying
[x] Artistic
[ ] Assertive
[ ] Cantankerous
[x] Eccentric
[x] Greedy
[x] Hot-Tempered
[x] Imaginative
[x] Innocent
[x] Insane
[/] Intelligent
[ ] Materialistic
[ ] Maniacal
[ ] Strong
Directly, Obviously, and Unabashedly Sponge-Related
Why do you like the show? Basically, it's hilarious. Every thing, even the small things that people dont notice, crack me right up
Do you have a favorite episode? What is it, and why? I dont have a fave, i love them all haha
Who is your favorite character? (You don’t have to answer this) Patrick Star ♥♥♥♥♥
Who is your LEAST favorite character? (This is your chance to rule out ONE character) Mr Krabbs
And Finally…
What is the Krabby Patty secret formula?!!!! IT'S A SECRET. PLANKTON MIGHT BE LISTENING.
If you’d like to add anything else, here’s your chance: THIS IS BASICALLY MY NEW FAVE COMM.
Links to 3 applications you’ve voted on recently
About You Name: Age: Positive adjectives to describe you: Negative adjectives to describe you: Your personality (in complete sentences, this time): Likes/Hobbies: Pet Peeves: Question Time! What do you like to do in your free time? Do you get along with your neighbors? How do you feel about your job? (If you’re a student, how do you feel about school?) What are your opinions on love and relationships? What are your thoughts on friendship? How do you normally treat your enemies (or people you severely dislike)? What motivates you? What are you most proud of? This or That Optimistic or Pessimistic: Introverted or Extroverted: Mature or Immature: Hardworking or Lazy: Selfish or Selfless: Determined or Resigned: Confident or Insecure: Humble or Proud: Leader or Follower: Impulsive or Cautious: Are You… [ ] Ambitious [ ] Annoying [ ] Artistic [ ] Assertive [ ] Cantankerous [ ] Eccentric [ ] Greedy [ ] Hot-Tempered [ ] Imaginative [ ] Innocent [ ] Insane [ ] Intelligent [ ] Materialistic [ ] Maniacal [ ] Strong Directly, Obviously, and Unabashedly Sponge-Related Why do you like the show? Do you have a favorite episode? What is it, and why? Who is your favorite character? (You don’t have to answer this) Who is your LEAST favorite character? (This is your chance to rule out ONE character) And Finally… What is the Krabby Patty secret formula?!!!! If you’d like to add anything else, here’s your chance: Links to 3 applications you’ve voted on recently: ">one two three