From here how shall I fall while trying to do all that I can

Sep 24, 2009 14:32

All icons done by aviekokyre unless said otherwise.

Origami Cyclone

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[ insert icon ]

Ivan Karelin


巻くように折る OHSHI--OHSHI--!!
まくようにおる: fold over and over again

風車の基本形 Why am I the fandom bicycle?
かざぐるまのきほんけい: windmill base

段折り Nothing I do will ever be enough
だんおり: crimp

*NEXT 擬態!
ぎたい: mimesis, mimicry, camouflage (shapeshifting)

切り紙 How about a shuriken to the face?!
きりがみ: origami with cuts

千羽鶴 I'll fold 1000 cranes for you
せんばづる: 1000 origami cranes

魚の基本形 What's this about lemonade?
さかなのきほんけい: fish base

花弁折 The meaning of my very existence
かべんおり: petal fold

凧形基本形 Wish upon a... Oh that's Sky High
たこがたきほんけい: kite base

谷折り Sad Ivan under Mr. Legend
たにおり: valley fold

山折り Um... my BFF almost killed me today
やまおり: mountain fold

おす!たたかえ!おりがみ: Osu! Tatake! Origami

鶴の基本形 Feelings that drift into the sky
つるのきほんけい: bird base

斜め Y-you're paring me with who?
ななめ: diagonal fold

折図 It's a good idea right?
おりず: diagram

ハート形 Took up dancing instead of sumo
ハートがた: heart shaped

折り目 Don't care not listening
おりめ: crease line

切る Mistakes in an endless tomorrow
きる: to cut

捩じり折 But why the rum Ivan?
ねじりおり: twist fold

回転させる My BFF is a pirate?!
かいてんさせる: rotate

正方形 I'll have the miso soup please
せいほうけい: square

定規 Bring the bail money?
じょうぎ: ruler

作品 How could my power help here?
さくひん: design

鋏 Might be a weapons otaku
はさみ: scissors

風船の基本形 Suddenly I'm Megaman?!
ふうせんのきほんけい: water bomb/balloon base

色 Rum is a vile drink
いろ: color

五角形 Can I go home now?
ごかくけい: pentagon

沈め折 Edward's in a hole again
しずめおり: sink

長方形 It's really heartbreaking but...
しょうほうけい: rectangle

記号 Heck yeah ninja!
きごう: folding symbol

正方基本形 Edward that's my spot!
せいほうきほんけい: preliminary base, preliminary fold

糊 Is that a good or bad glowy thing?
のり: glue

繰り返す Something only I can do
くりかえす: repeat

縮小図 I'm your little butterfly
しゅくしょうず: zoom out, shrunken view

紙 I look better smiling?
かみ: paper

八角形 I bet I'd fail at Xavier's too
はっかくけい: octagon

同じ角度 Go away I'm moping now
おなじかくど: equal angles

同じ長さ The member of T&B who mopes a lot
おなじながさ: equal distances

三角形 I was just an afterthought
さんかくけい: triangle

摘み折 I will not do cat ears damn it!
つまみおり: rabbit ears

被せるYou don't understand. I failed him
かぶせる: wrap

青い Didn't know Blue Rose could do that
あおい: blue

拡大図 I am thou... Thou am I.
かくだいず: zoom in, enlarged view

赤い Lunatic makes the moon red
あかい: red

引き寄せ折 Working the one eye look
ひきよせろり: swivel fold

箆 This ninja has pointy objects
へら: bone folder, folding bone

中割り折 I can't reach you
なかわりおり: inside reverse fold

透視図 I haven't gone all out yet
とうしず: transparency view, X-ray view

開いて潰す That's just messed up
ひらいてつぶす: squash fold

オーペンシンク There goes Bison from the cannon
open sink

クロースドシンク Wait is Edward Zen Beast?
closed sink

裏返す Sooner or later I'll show you!
うらがえす: turn the model over

薬玉 Let's get serious
くすだま: kusudama

被せ折り From nights when we want to cry
かぶせおり: outside reverse fold

袋折 Dragon Kid kicked me in the face
ふくろおり: spread sink, spread squash

座布団折 The baby will kill us all!
ざぶんとん: blintz

糸 Tiger broke my shamisen?!
いと: thread, yarn, string

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