Selling Catcher Items

Jul 09, 2010 08:20

Selling catcher items when they unlock! If you're interested, PM or comment with your price.  I would prefer an offer close to the single play + 10% commission, but not required.

Please be reasonable with your pricing. I reserve the right to refuse an offer.

Red Apron: lady_suzuran
Pink Headscarf: tiferet
Kitty Glove: tiferet
Black Apron: nonchatte , scarreddragon
Frying Pan: tiferet
Blue Pink Apron: lady_suzuran

White Pumps: hachiwonderland , sakisugar 
Bunny Bag: Reserved for kim_mijin for an undecided amount (oribon avg)
Basket with Ribbon: childings 
Pink Skirt: royal_emeralds , alysael 
Red Dress: Next in line hachiwonderland

Horns: dani6602 
Red Book: spookymari , voske 
Green teapot: spookymari , voske 
Earphones: nekusagi 
Thigh Ribbon: thundastormz , alysael 
Bear Pouch: dani6602

Eyepatch: childings , admiral_yen 
Boots: childings , rocq 
Gun: kiichigoboom

Banana: kiichigoboom

I will PM you on LJ or if you prefer a message on Pupe, please leave your profile link.

NOTE: I'm willing to sell the first 6 pirate items for 110J (ie I will waive the commission fee).  This excludes the hat and the last dress.


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