I had a mother of a migraine today and things were generally not looking altogether bright until I received an invitation of guestlist for SIOUXSIE(!!!! Oh my m*th*rf*ck*ng god) wafted under my nose!!
I'm so excited that my bloody head hurts again now! :D
I'm probably going to head over to the Black Gardenia on Dean Street for about 8pm ish. Ronnie King and the Hustlers are playing - never heard them before, but I have it on good authority that they're pretty cool.
I've got some stuff to get rid of and it's not really worth putting on Ebay, so I was wondering if anybody else in need of a clearout and cash wanted to pitch in together to do a car boot sale somewhere.
I don't drive, so a car would help, but a bit of ingenuity would mean it's not absolutely necessary.
I know it's waaaaay into the future, but work needs somebody to babysit the phones for a day whilst the office goes away for the weekend
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