Nov 29, 2006 16:37
My grownup christmas wishlist (i would like these thinks):
-Clothes! (esp underwear and socks i'm running out)
-some djarums! shhhh
-A new wallet maybe!!?!?!!
Nov 25, 2006 23:03
Jordan's debutante ball was amazing. She was so pretty in her little white dress. I got to wear a tux with tails, and white gloves. i'd write more but i don't think anyone really reads this that often. so if you have an interest in more details just ask!
Nov 22, 2006 12:56
Things to be excited about!
- Jordan's ball!!!
- Thanksgiving yumminess!
- End of this semester!
- Heat in the house!
Things to be not excited about :(
- The jose crapping in her crate :(
- Finding a place to put the jose when i'm gone for thanksgivesgives :(
Nov 19, 2006 21:16
this is story about a boy!
he went to the market, and came home to pet his puppy!
everything was great!!
Nov 14, 2006 19:46
The other night josie came inside the house, carrying a turd in her mouth, which she then gingerly placed on the carpet. why josie why
Nov 13, 2006 23:38
This livejournal post intentionaly left blank.
Oct 10, 2006 22:08
I just recieved a postcard. so happy.
Oct 01, 2006 22:26
Gosh i haven't updated in a while.
well whats new?
i stapled my finger today at work.