Tagged by sun_chan Late. Who. ME?.... NaList five songs that you currently love. It doesn't matter what genre they are from, whether they have words, or even if they're any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying right now. Post these instructions, the artists, and the songs in your blog. Then tag five other Livejournal friends to see what they
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Checking my mailbox got me thinking. You know all those chain-letters that float around? Someone must have written them. So who the **** sits and writes chain-letters on their free time? Am I missing something? And I absolutely loath that they always end with '... send this to XX people or else...' or '... and don't forget to send it to the person
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I admit it. I caved. I have a in case of LJ crashing backup http://spoonfuloftears.greatestjournal.com/. If you have account and want to friend. Please do. *grumbles* Don't know how much I will use this thing.
Damn this feels weird. o_0 Please LJ, play nice. *pets it*
Title: Can't take you anywhere Artist: spoonfuloftears Rating: PG Characters; Aziraphael, Crowley Comment: Aziraphael and Crowley make a trip to the London Zoo.
Not much new. School is going by terribly fast, and I feel like the weeks go by in the blink of an eye. I guess that's a good thing, seeing as everything boring moves at glacier speed.
OMG How could I've missed out on the greatness of the doctor!? They started airing House on Swedish Television last week. Argh. And then as I sit one the sofa in my
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