Title: Funfetti, Forty-Fives, and Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers
Characters/Pairing: Sam, Dean, John
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 3,200
Summary: Dean and John go on a hunt, leaving Sam behind with a cold and vocabulary homework. Pre-series.
A/N: Schmoop?! How did that sneak in there?
They hadn’t told him about the demon until a few years ago )
Comments 12
Gorgeous writing. You schmoop away, okay?
I love the resentment of Sam. Not the full on hard core, "I hate my Dad" stuff, but more the normal thirteen year old angst that comes from being left behind. However, that normal thirteen year old has a 45 on the table. The juxtaposition of Sam and homework and Dean and Dad on a hunt is brilliantly stated.
Oh, well done.
Which is really how I like my schmoop the best!
He hates the thought that his mother probably realized he wasn’t worth it once she died.
Oh Sammy…
”Then, at the end of the day, when Sam crashed and was lying on the couch with his head on Dean’s lap and his feet trailing on the floor, Dean gave him his real present. He talked about Mom.”
Oh Dean…
And then everyone is home, and everything is all right. Or at least as right as it needs to be.
Thank you.
Great job <3
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