
Sep 04, 2009 16:13

So really, I just got this account specifically to join my school's IB group.

But I think I'm going to treat this sorta like a blog. Or something. Who knows, really. Basically, I'm just going to mess around with this post, see what I can do, try my hand a cut maybe.

So did it work? Is this a cut?

Well that's exciting. So mysterious people reading this, you are probably wondering what the hell I'm going to write about here. Or more likely, no one is actually reading this. Oh well. I suppose I will write about whatever is going on. Weird stories, the news, baking. Maybe some essays and short stories. Bit of fan fic if I feel like it

Update: So, pretty much, I fail at cuts. I'll work it out... eventually...

Update 2: Omg! It worked!

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