My, my, my, what a lovely evening I had last night. And the night before...and the night before...and, well...
I went out entirely too much this week.
spelchec and I went to see
Jayakar at the
Recher Theater in Towson. They played a fantastic show as usual, but I feel it was the strongest performance I've seen from them ever. They are getting really polished.
spelchec attempted to teach me how to play was pretty pitiful. We talked to some really out there hippie chick Graham knows and got free beer for Noah's birthday. We even ate some mediocre b-day cake. We then got um, confused? attempting to leave Towson and drove through Baltimore. I think it may have been a little faster than the beltway, actually, even WITH being lost. Got a chance to talk to
spelchec 1-on-1 a bit, that was nice as we really haven't had the opportunity before.
Greg and I went and saw
V for Vendetta which was phenomenal. I also got a chance to chat with him, as I haven't seen him in several months. Jeff started going to the saturday night LAN stuff, and there is some tension I've been quite enjoying the frequency of Karaoke. I had spoken to Joe about how I wanted to come hang out again and how I was a little uncomfortable because of Jeff. I don't really care if he's there or not, but I know he can't stand me. Greg told me Joe & Jeff had the following dialogue:
Joe: I was talking to Sarah the other day and she'd like to come play again...since Greg is shipping off to India in a few months, she wants to spend some time with him. How would you feel about that?
*long characteristic Jeff pause while formulating a broken answer
Jeff: Uh...I would be...less...inclined to come. I probably...wouldn't come. I don't think she is a good person.
If you know anything about all that drama, you will find the above hilarious as I do. Anyway, it was good to hang out with Greg...I miss his candid-to-a-fault nature.
Justin and I had a lazy day. It was really nice...we both napped several times and I got to play some
Kingdom Hearts II. We have a lot of housework to do, but we both had a rough week so I think it was appropriate for us to be a little lax. Then yesterday I went to karaoke @ Remington's with
kylastyles, Cow Puncher, Winston, and Nicki. A good time was had by all, nobody got tooo drunk. However...
I was driving home from Remingtons via 295 to 175. I saw a sobriety checkpoint about 1/4 mile ahead (SHIT!!!), slammed on my brakes and did a u-turn in the middle of the road and headed back down 295. I assume they didn't see me. I was not drunk by any means, and certainly fine to drive; I only had approx. 4 rum & cokes, and I drank a lot of water. I wasn't sure if I could blow under the limit though, so I called
kylastyles and wound up @ Denny's eating a super-death-buttery grilled cheese sandwich with good company.
Kyla's Sendoff, tentatively 3:30 pm 4/30/06
-_- My favorite little lady is moving to Vegas in less than two weeks. Next weekend is her last in Maryland, and we ought to make her regret her decision so she comes back sooner by getting together and getting her all emotional o_O.
Edit: 4/25/06 I will fix this tonight so the poll can be used by non-lj ppl. Oops!
Poll I'll admit,
kylastyles prefers Dave & Busters but I can't really afford it...that place is pretty expensive to keep entertained for more than 30 minutes. Get back to me, people.