Pushing Daisies is canceled. It will end after Episode 13 of this season which will be a cliffhanger. Fun.
Say Anything has a new album coming out sometime in 2009 and there's a couple of linked songs on Youtube:
Tickle Me Red,
Ahh Men,
LoathingI love Ahh, Men. It's going to be amazing live
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Comments 2
I LOVE Pushing Daisies! How can they end on a cliffhanger??? This is my probable synopsis: Something like Chuck saying "I can't live like this! Kiss me, Ned!" as Olive swoops in and Emerson throws himself from where Chuck keeps her bees, because he discovered his long lost daughter is a serial killer and Digby eats Lily after she succumbs to liver failure. Oh, and Vivian leaves with What's-His-Face.
In any event, fuck you, ABC.
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