Taken From Sister Sarah, Filled Out For Sister Melissa

Nov 13, 2005 13:58

[A is for age:]

[B is for booze of choice:]

[C is for career:]

[D is for your dad's name:]
David Edmund Maxon

[E is for essential items to bring to a party:]
Cheese plate

[F is for favorite song at the moment:]
"Brothers on a Hotel Bed" - Death Cab for Cutie

[G is for favorite game:]

[H is for hometown]
Sackets Harbor, NY

[I is for instruments you play:]
Trumpet, Harmonica, Penny-whistle, Didgeridoo, Banjo (little), Piano (less)

[J is for jam or jelly you like:]

[K is for kids?]
Katherine Josephine, Harold, and Nancy

[L is for living arrangements:]
Ted, Joe, Me. Separate rooms. Separate beds.

[M is for mom's name:]
Connie Jo Sweet Maxon

[N is for name of your crush:]

[O is for overnight hospital stays:]

[P is for phobias:]
Fear is a luxury I can ill afford

[Q is for quotes you like:]
"I take it, no fool ever made a bargain for his soul with the devil: the fool is too much of a fool, or the devil too much of a devil - I don't know which." - Joseph Conrad

[R is for relationship that lasted the longest:]
7 months

[S is for favorite soda:]

[T is for time you wake up:]
6:45AM to 12:00PM, it varies

[U is for underwear:]
One at a time and clean

[V is for vegetable you love:]

[W is for weapon of choice:]
Incisive comments, machete

[X is for x-rays you've had:]

[ Y is for yummy foods you make:]
Apparently, homemade macaroni/cheese

[Z is for zodiac sign:]
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