I’m Brittany, the author of In the Heart of Darkness, and the maintainer of the community, thexdarkxheart. I see that you’ve expressed an interest in my piece of original fiction and that you’ve friended or attempted to friend my community, which is extremely flattering I might add! I’ve decided to make it an “open membership” instead of a “closed membership”, which means you are now able to join the community. If you’re interested, click here to join the community so you can keep track of my updates, because I have made all of the posts friends-locked. Thanks!
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I’m Brittany, the author of In the Heart of Darkness, and the maintainer of the community, thexdarkxheart. I see that you’ve expressed an interest in my piece of original fiction and that you’ve friended or attempted to friend my community, which is extremely flattering I might add! I’ve decided to make it an “open membership” instead of a “closed membership”, which means you are now able to join the community. If you’re interested, click here to join the community so you can keep track of my updates, because I have made all of the posts friends-locked. Thanks!
- Brittany ♥
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