Today was the talent show....i embarassed myself...jordan vic and aron the bestest were awsome. so brad was playing keep away and he said that i had to get the football and i was trying to then he started running down stairs and let goed of him and ran in to a bag of shoes where i broke my toe...hurts like a bitch.......well ya
Today was fun i guess and tomorrow is the talent show!!!ha is soo bad but it is fun cause we make ourselves look like idiots. It is fun also cause it is our last talent show at heschel....tear tear... O WELL
Hiii I haven't updated in a while..things are good. Loren and olivia are here and we are watching things on tv that we can t understand...its really funny! Well i am off Bye bye
Well i am not as upset as i was a couple days ago(with that person) But now i am really sad that me and a friends that was really close to me for a while aren't as close. I was tryin to talk to him but he seemed ok wiht how we are now....
Soo i am having a really bad week.. it sux I am so mad at someone who means a lot in my life and i dont know what i am gunna do if it doesnt' change.... hmmm Well my pillow is awaiting me!!! CRY CRY