I know there have been a lot of questions about where the chromium packages went, so I've been cleared to make the following statement:
We have discontinued distribution of the Courgette package after having learned of allegations of patent infringement relating to the package, including a patent lawsuit
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Comments 33
They still have the same problems I outlined before which preclude them from going into Fedora.
Let's hope Google can sort the patent problems out, so it can be distributed with Fedora =)
"A) Figure out some way to make a libicu42 package for chromium to use and link against but which won't conflict with the Fedora system libicu"
seems odd. What's to 'figure out'? If it's a different major, there's no reason it should conflict with the existing libicu. Package it under a different name - libicu42, or whatever - and boom, no problem.
If it's not a different major yet is API incompatible with version 4.0, that's clearly a bug on upstream's part and should be fixed, surely.
What am I missing?
If you want to avoid this, you can use a versioned sub-directory in /usr/include for the headers, and stick a version in before the . in the library filename...but I don't really see the point...especially for a side repo. Just have the -devel packages conflict...
With the new chromium-5.0.330.0-0.1.20100218svn39394.fc12.i686 package, I'm not able anymore to use the "backspace" key to go to the previous page in browsing history.
Others shortcuts works perfectly. And as I'm using it on netbook (Aspire One) in fullscreen,
it very annoying...
What about you ?
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I don't want to talk about google, i only wanted to pop in to say hello to you!!!!!!!!!!!!! And to say that you're doing a great work!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for the update of nautilus beesu too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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