1. Do you live in a house or an apartment?
We live in a house now, but for a while, we lived in a one-bedroom apartment.
2. Who lives there with you?
My parents, siblings, pets.
3. Any pets?
A blond tabby, Skipper and a brown tabby, Charlie. Also four dogs, Ginger, Spot, CC, and Solana.
4. Describe the street you live on.
A short, bumpy, potholed street full of rocks and lined with bushes and trees instead of houses.
5. Where do you go to relax and get away from it all?
On my roof or in my room.
6. When you have a problem, who do you go to?
It would depend on the problem.
7. Do you screen your telephone calls?
hehe Yes.
8. Is there someone you will always talk to regardless of whatever else you are doing?
My friends and my family.
9. Do you eat at home or eat out?
Usually at home. My parents (or rather my mom) is a cheapskate. ;)
10. Who controls the TV remote at your house?
My sister or my brother. They're usually the ones watching tv.
11. Do you still sleep with a stuffed animal?
No. lol In fact, I never did.
12. If you had 24 hours alone without interruption, what would you do?
Vid, write, listen to music, and just lose myself in my imagination.
13. Do you mind having your picture taken?
Yes. I always look so weird in photos. lol
14. Do you carry a picture of your best friend?
No. I don't have a picture of my best friend, actually.
15. What do you do for fun?
Whatever stikes my fancy at that moment. It could be anything from watching peoples' expressions to having fun with friends to making up stories about my cats.
16. What is your least favorite chore or thing to do that must be done?
Washing windows and cooking. Both of those things annoy me to pieces.
17. How long does it take you to get ready for a typical day?
About 20 minutes. But I can do it in 10 if I rush.
18. How long does it take you to get ready for a night out?
Same as above.
19. Are you a clock watcher?
Sometimes. It depends on what I'm doing. When I taught dance, I watched the clock sometimes b/c I had to make sure the class was on schedule.
20. If you could spend the day with anyone living or dead - who would it be?
I'd like to spend the day with my great-grandmother. I never met her, so it would be interesting to see what she was like. Unrealistically, I'd have liked to have met my family in Afghanistan. But they'd probably have killed me. So, that wouldn't exactly be wise.