(klsfjlajf, tried to go for a look like the DVD cover, and FAILED HARD).
at this point it was about 98% watercolor.
I made some pasta.. but it looks more like pig slop.
white highlights added. I ended up going over them with blue watercolor later to make them less intense on the eyes.
SEE. ;_;
^ appropriately dumped on a pile of papers and neglected for several hours. The dust mites enjoyed this temporary feast.
here I began adding some Copic. the white highlights made a comeback as well D:
oh god so messy
(I fail at taking good photographs. and my room is way too dark)
My thumb *snaps in half*
chalk pastel glowies
I already hate this.. D;
I don't think I have an art block anymore.. it's more of a... "I hate everything I draw" block. Well, I learned a few things from this drawing at least... like
-before starting painting/coloring, have the entire lineart planned out or your brain will be so mad at you because you will have to do all that hard work later >:(