Heather icon is mandatory for this post!
Yup so I've always wanted to do a Silent Hill cosplay of some form and the easiest I figured would be a slutty nurse or Heather. I think my face shape is similar to Heather's so I want to cosplay her most. And we both have freckles. BUT I DON"T HAVE WIGS OR COSTUME FFFF.
yep thus I was bored so I did a Heather ~*MAKEUP TEST.*`~
LOL YEW CAN SEA MY PIMPLES @w@ DESU!!! I love to make that worried arch of my eyebrows like I'm about to get hit by a train. Haha. That's what makes Heather so hawt. That hopeless expression of impending death in her face.
ew I hate wearing lip balm. But Heather wears a shitload so I had to... ;( and she also seems to like pink and orange eyeshadow. (it's only really noticeable in-game).
Heather's eyes are more bloodshot than mine. I should have smoked something haw haw. Heather was a smoker after all lmoa. SLURPERS OH GOD.
lul can you see any resemblance? also it's Heather MASON not MORRIS in the box-art text godamnit!
Too bad I don't have short wavy blonde hair. And my eyes are blue-grey. And her nose is pointier!
I have some amber contacts somewhere... I need to find them ;(
LOLOLOLOL Maybe I should cosplay this bitch instead! (Cheryl Mason of the Shattered Memories)
UGH, anime. Bane of my existence.
other incarnations:
the annoying Alessa from the movie.. >:(
but I bet I could cosplay this bitch cause.. cUZ... I saw my mom's 7th grade year book picture and she looked JUST LIKE THIS GIRL.
I was like "oh god"
Moar Alessa?!
I think that halo above her head has some subliminal significance other than jesus type halo. Like look at the fukuro video and there are these weird holes that monsters get sucked in. IT LOOKS LIKE THE SAME HOLE NOT A HALO LOSFMO. Maybe Alessa is going to be sucked in the hole too!1111 Also represents the hole of vaginas. Oh god why am I getting off topic!
she's supposed to be like 8 in this picture but she looks older. And now I'm a pedo 8]
Cosplaying feels like a sin to me since I hate everything weeaboo/otaku related. :\ cosplaying video game characters doesn't count as anime shit thought right?
I'm going to rant about how much anime sucks some other time. =B lolololosdlfodlfoldol TIME TO WORK ON TUTORIALS OH GOD KILL ME.