User: spqr_4_the_dead (9367783)
Community Title: Senatorum Populusque Romanam: For the Dead
Name: Benn Mace
Livejournal I am Benn, also
bennmorland. This is basically my writing journal. You can find a simple directory
I write short fiction, longer fiction (which thus far has never seen the light of paper-and-ink), (mediocre) poetry, and (subjective) film and book reviews. So, yeah. I write. A lot. A whole lot. Most of it will not be posted here.
If you'd like to become a member of this community (and therefore comment/make suggestions/requests), first introduce yourself at my actual Livejournal (link in info). Then submit a request for membership here: and you're in!
Feel free to
request things. It will excite my brains!
Please comment if you read. I don't mind what you say, or if you even have anything to say. Just, please comment.
If you're wondering about the username and title of this community, I apologize that I've not yet had time to type up a cohesive and logical explanation myself. Until then, look here for an
explanation of a "Speaker for the Dead".
Current Projects:
Request from
Request from
Seduction of
Request from
The Loose Seam, for
History Challenge.
Request from
Request by
mudblood428 for a sequel to I Will Catch You.
And whenever I get the bloody time:
this little monster, the progression of which you can track
I am also present, if not active (in which case you can look at "favorites"), on:
Checkmated -
Sink into Your Eyes -
Simply Undeniable -
Quills and Inkstains -
Perfect and Poisonous -
Phoenix Song Members: _angels_touch_, _littlun_, _mea__culpa_, auburnallie812, bennmorland, broadwaykatie, claudea, dannigrl212, drgnessailor, dzturtlepower, enders_girl, foloko, i_heartpotatoes, inkandsouls, lisarene, macgod3, madoldmrsfigg, mbvisntanything, mudblood428, nicollegurrl, ourfall, pixiebuttmo, reallycorking, selenityk, silveredmadness, small_evil_me, streon, sunnysky, swamp_gurl, tante_in_hp, theendoforacles, thespos, velvethope
Watchers: _littlun_, _mea__culpa_, auburnallie812, bennmorland, broadwaykatie, dannigrl212, drgnessailor, dzturtlepower, enders_girl, foloko, i_heartpotatoes, lisarene, madoldmrsfigg, mbvisntanything, mudblood428, nicollegurrl, ourfall, reallycorking, selenityk, silveredmadness, small_evil_me, streon, sunnysky, tante_in_hp, theendoforacles, thespos, velvethope