Character: Snow Villiers
Series: Final Fantasy XIII
Age: 21
Gender: male
Name: Jake
aguniatorContact: aim | aguniator
Character Name: Snow Villiers
Series: Final Fantasy XIII
Gender: Male
Age & Canon Point: 21; en route to eden at the end of chapter 11.
yo. contains fullgame spoilers!
Abilities & Physical Abnormalities:
✗ Snow has the ability to summon
Shiva; twin sisters of ice who transform into a motorbike for him to ride.
✗ He is absolutely huge physically (2m tall), adding great force to whatever he does.
✗ His coat (at this stage in Save the Queen mode) augments his physical and magical attacks in battle.
✗ As a l'cie, Snow can use magic. Details can be found in the history link!
Having grown up fighting monsters and protecting people all his life, he has a very fixed mindset when it comes to his set of virtues. His entire presentation is designed to have people recognize him as the great hero he is, leading to an extremely cocky appearance at times. This works both to his benefit and degradation, as some people are inspired by this attitude, and others -like Hope- see it as unfounded arrogance and wish to see him fail.
To Snow, plans are a waste of effort. Heroes don't need them, so in all cases you'll see him charging in headfirst. Not even staring into a jeopardized future stops him from maintaining this stubborn attitude. There's tenacity to whatever he does, calling Lightning his sister despite her repeated rejections, and refusing to abandon Serah even when she became a l'Cie. The people close to him are his life as much as the heroic attitude would suggest, and he would stop at nothing to be accepted by and protect them.
Despite this, his headstrong actions don't always pay off- it was his fault that Nora Estheim fell to her death in the opening chapters of the game, and it was that same cocky attitude that resulted in Lightning's anger toward him. At first he shows little recognition for the consequences of what he does, but as the story progresses he gains a fuller understanding of the many shades between right and wrong.
His other major quality, though substantially reduced by this time, is density. For a 'hero', Snow is incredibly dense- at times forming inaccurate judgments based off a single occurrence or fact, and completely ignoring ideas and suggestions from others to forge his own path. It’s very hard to break him out of that typical energetic state, but once something does- it’s a dramatic swing the other way. When Serah rejects him (though out of fear, not lack of feelings); he spirals down and is incredibly affected, to the point where his childhood friend Gadot comments on it. But instead of wallowing in misery, he turns that into a driving force and tracks Serah down, professing his real feelings again and promising to stick by her.
Before finding out that Hope was the child of the woman he failed to protect, Snow had very little insecurity. Being the open book he is, it’s presumable that the disregard for most things he shows on the surface is indeed his real attitude, and it’s that same idealistic outlook he was forced by Hope to confront in Palumpolum. Changed by this experience, he now strives toward less selfish goals, though not without a similar attitude. He shows regret for problems he has been responsible for, but refuses to dwell on the past- you can only atone for mistakes by striving to be better in the future.
When presented with proof that their Focus is not to save the world, but to destroy it, Snow doesn’t take the news well. Similar to the situation with Serah, he’s left despondent and questioning the entire purpose of the journey so far. Through perseverance and some poignant guidance from others, he snaps out of this funk and once again becomes the most goal-oriented member of the party.
Once he decides on something, it’s set in his mind as a certainty- they will save Cocoon, Serah will come back to him, and Lightning will be his sister. He’s cocky, loud, opinionated, and has more than a small dash of attitude, but everything he does really is for the good of others.
What are your plans for the character in-game?
He'll probably be looking for a way out as much as everyone else-- save that, I see him adapting to garden life fairly well (one he notices the brand has been stopped); treating it as a training exercise before they return home.
Anything else? His l'cie brand will be frozen over much like Fang's, halting it's progression.
Complete TWO out of the FIVE options.
i) IC Questionnaire
What do you prefer to be known as? Just Snow is fine. Snow Villiers if it makes you feel better.
How old are you? 21-- older than Light, younger than I look. It's the height, really.
Do you have any history in combat? Been fighting monsters most of my life. These fists don't go to waste!
If so, have you ever killed? Only when there was no other option.
i) How do you feel when you get involved in some project that calls for immediate and rapid activity?
That happens a lot, so there's no real difference.
ii) Do you organize and initiate leisure activities?
Me and the rest of NORA run a bar, and we're known for some sport groups here and there.
iii) What role do you take when working in a group?
iv) How talkative are you around other people?
Sometimes a bit too much, I'm told. The hero should always be charismatic.
v) What three things would you want to have with you on a desert island? State your reasoning.
1. Serah
2. Light
3. Full body armour
Reasoning? My future wife, my future sister, and something to make sure Serah still finds me attractive at the wedding. [ obviously kidding, but hey. ]
vi) Is it important to be liked by a wide range of people?
That depends on the people. But generally, I'd say yes.
vii) When the odds are against you, it is worth taking a chance?
It's always worth taking a chance.
viii) Do you consider yourself to be an impulsive person?
I do what I want, when I want.
ix) Would you agree that planning things ahead takes the fun out of life?
Heroes don't need plans.
x) Do you like surprises?
Wouldn't life be boring without them?
xi) Do you sometimes wonder if there is something wrong with you?
[ laughs ] If there's something wrong with me, I don't want it to be right. I'm fine with how I am.
xii) Do you consider yourself to be smarter than your superiors, and disagree with their decisions?
Superiors? I don't take orders from anyone. Just like the rest of NORA-- No Obligations, Rules or Authority.
xiii) Lastly, how do you feel about cabbages?
Green, soggy, and not all that great.
ii) Prose sample (can be general or a response to the post's prompt).
iii) Bracket/Commentspam RP sample (can be general or a response to the post's prompt).
iv) Thread link:
1 2 3 & something different v) Request a trial thread with one of Garden's NPCs.