Capping at USD200. Fast spree.
Will be using 20% Vpost discount if applicable.
First time organising spree in spreehouse but have ordered from F21 before.
Join only if comfortable with that. DETAILS
Ordering from: F21
Website: Exchange rate: $1SGD=$1.55USD
Capping at: 200USD strictly. Please count before transfering. Refunds will be made only after spree is completed.
Shipping via: Vpost
Payment: Transfer to POSB Savings 186-14133-4. No interbank transfer. Use LJ Nick when transferring.
1st Payment: Cost of item + Initial shipping($2) + Handling ($0.50)
2nd Payment: Top-ups(If any) + Postage
Contact me:
Rough estimation of shipping units(Will be revised if necessary upon arrival)
0.5units- Undies, accessories
1.0unit- Tops
1.5units: Skirts, shorts, small handbags(eg clutches)
2.0units: Dresses, jumpsuits, jeans, pants,hats(They are very very bulky)
2.5units: Bags
Distribution: Normal/Registered mail only.
Format of order:
Email add:
Account no./type:
Item name:
Item URL:
ALT if oos: Indicate URL and size.
Price in USD:
Total in USD:
Total in SGD: [(Total in USD) X $1.55] + [No of items X $2] + $0.50
Payment details: Transaction ref, amount transferred.