Not accepting any prohibited/bulky items. Only accepting items with "Everyday free shipping"
spreehouse FB (+14/0/-0) 11.12.2009 - Mass email, email me if you didnt received it.
14.12.2009 - Order on its way to Borderlinx
17.12.2009 - Arrived Borderlinx, shipping paid
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Drugstore Beauty CAPPED ATUSD 200 EXCHANGE RATEUSD1 = SGD1.433 EMAIL CONTACT PAYMENT DETAILSPOSB savings 126851693 (Please indicate your LJ username for IB user ) MODE OF DISTRIBUTIONStrictly by post only, NO meet up Normal / Registered mail HANDLING FEESS$0.50 SHIPPING DETAILSFrom Drugstore to Borderlinx, and from Borderlinx to SG. Shipping is according to units (weight & bulkiness of item) and will be collected when items arrive. PAYMENT TO MERCHANTCredit card PAYMENT METHOD1st: Item amount * exchange rate 2nd: Shipping + Postage charges + Handling fee UPDATESAll updates will be done via email ORDER FORMATLJ Nick/ Name: Email address: Collection mode: Item #1 Item Name: Item URL: *Make sure your link is correct/working to avoid mistake* Color: Qty: Price in USD: Alt if OOS: Item #2 Item Name: Item URL: *Make sure your link is correct/working to avoid mistake* Color: Qty: Price in USD: Alt if OOS: Total no. of items: Total amt in USD: Total amt in SGD: (total amt in USD * 1.433) = S$ ***PAID*** IB Nick: Amt Transfered: Transaction ref: Date and Time: (for atm user) Things to note:* Please check through your order properly before you post. * Frozen comments = Payment received * Add items to cart to confirm availability