Forever 21 Spree #4- ORDERED.

Apr 18, 2009 10:59

Forever 21 Spree #4!
One batch, capped at USD200.
Only accepting apparel and accessories, no bulky items.
I may take longer to distribute if I'm having my exams when the items arrive. Please join only if comfortable.

Spreesgalore Feedback: +7/0/-0


19/4/09 7:48PM:
Ordered and mass-emailed. Please leave a comment if you did not receive.
Order no: 23275567. Order Total: USD 195.70.

20/4/09 12:31AM:
Order no. is currently not reflected under my account's past orders and F21 has not sent me any confirmation email. However, my IB shows that the funds have been held. I'll check and update again tomorrow morning.

20/4/09 9:09AM:
F21 just emailed me the confirmation email, sorry for the scare! Order status: New.

22/4/09 1:15PM:
Shipped from F21, on its way to Vpost.

28/4/09 10:58PM:
Arrived at Vpost and I've made payment. It will reach me in 5-8 working days. You can track the package here.

5/5/09 9:52AM:
Our items have arrived! Mass-emailed. Please leave a comment if you did not receive.

Spree details:

1. Website: Forever 21

2. Orders capped at: USD 200 only.

3. How to contact me:
- My email address:

4. Mode of payment: POSB Savings 014-29855-0.
- IB: please use your LJ nick.
- ATM: please keep the receipt! State date, time, location and reference no.
- NO interbank.

5. Mode of distribution:
- Normal postage (click here
for SingPost local postage rates). I will not be responsible for lost normal mail, but will definitely include a return address.
- Registered postage (additional S$2.24).
- One mass meet up in town (Saturday 6pm at Wheelock Place Borders).

6. Exchange rate:  US $1= S $1.55.
- Using approved exchange rate at spreesgalore.
- Any shortage will be collected.

7. Shipping details:
- F21 to Vpost: Free standard shipping with USD75 purchase.
- Vpost to Singapore: By weight, details here.
- Shipping will be split according to number of units.
- Collecting initial shipping of S$3 per item. Any excess will be refunded/ used to offset local postage.

8. Approximate shipping units:
- Intimates/ small accessories: 0.5 units each.
- Tops: 1 unit each.
- Tunics/  shorts/ short skirts: 1.5 units each.
- Cardigans/ Dresses/ long skirts: 2 units each.
* This is just an estimate, I'll revise this if the items turn out heavier/lighter than expected.

9. Payment details:
 - 1st payment: (Total cost of items * 1.55) + (No. of items * 3).
- 2nd payment: Top ups for shipping (if applicable) + local postage + 50c handling.
- Top ups must be made within 1 week after the items arrive.

10. Updates:
- Updates will be done here, please bookmark this page.
- Mass email only when items arrive.

11. Order format:
 Name/ LJ nick:
Email address:
Account details:
Mode of distribution: Please refer to point 5.

Item #1:
Name of item:
Item code:
Alt: Same or lower price/ DNB.
Price in USD:

Item #2:
Name of item:
Item code:
Alt: Same or lower price/ DNB.
Price in USD:

Total in USD:
Total no. of items:
Total in SGD: (Total in USD) * 1.55+ (Total no. of ITEMS not units!) * 3 = S$  (please round up e.g. $25.522=$25.53!)

** PAID **
IB Nick:
Time & date:
Transaction reference:

Time & date:
Reference no.:

12. Other important points:
* Please pay before posting! Order and payment in 1 comment if not I'll reject your order.
* Please add items to cart to ensure availability.
* Replies frozen= payment received & order taken.
* Do not bust the cap if not wait 2 months for your refund!

Orders taken:
1. Gwen/ gwenieeee: USD 8.60
2. Jacelyn/sweet_calla: USD 38.80
3. Debbie/ angstypixie: USD 16
4. Cher/ imcheryl: USD 27.70
5. Peiling/wallflower83: USD 50
6. Arielle/ Summerapples: USD 8.80
7. nelly/ nenelya: USD 22.80
8. Meichin: USD 23
Total orders: USD 195.70

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