20% off everything, except those with 'Now $XX!' prices.
Cap: $250 before discount. TWO batches maximum. NOT accepting shoes and bags.
Note: I'm still overseas, and will only place orders after I return on 14/12, but definitely before discount code expires on 16/12. So please give alternatives in case item goes oos. Or I'll take my time to refund you.
+261/0/-0 Batch 1 ordered l
isaaaang, skinny_soho, topsyturvy, quinceanero, iwasasamurai doughnuthead, alasse_mintur, jodieimnida, kerplonk
Batch 2 ordered
gracegoh, rossiegal, y0rkfiles, imacake, emmaleelj, turquoisepink, spaz_7, iceluver
Batch 3 ordered
masqueradeheart, piercedflesh, lickmythumb, satanrina, claudinec, jac86lee, yourpetmonster
Please add me to your contacts, especially yahoo/hotmail users, to prevent my mail being blocked or going to your spam/junk folder.
Two mass email: orders placed; after they reach SG. All other updates in my
spree journal.
I will not reply to emails asking for updates when they are already posted in my LJ. It's your responsibility to bookmark and check it often.
Please ensure item is in stock by clicking on 'check availability'. NOT taking in backordered stuff.
Cap: US$250 before discount.
Count and refresh the page before paying/posting to check if cap is reached or spree has closed.
Order/payment must be in ONE single comment. If you want to change the size/colour/add on more orders, delete your original comment and do a repost, stating "REPOST" in your new comment. Please comply with this to keep the page neat. Messy threads are confusing and can lead to mistakes when I'm placing orders. It happened before, kae :((
No cancellation of your order is allowed after payment has been made unless there are exceptional reasons.
I cannot be held liable for wrong or defective items shipped by the merchant. No point asking for an exchange/return - it's not cost-sensible as you have to pay for the postage to send it back and then for Vpost to ship it back to you.
I reserve the right to reject any order as I deem unsuitable or to close the spree earlier.
US$1 = S$1.43 Excess will not be refunded but if I'm charged a higher rate by my bank I will claim the shortfall from you.
PAYMENT POSB Savings 002-15075-1
IB transfers - pl use your LJ nick!
ATM transfers: provided you can pay first and then post your order within one hour.
Read this--->>Please pay before posting your orders. Do not post your order when IB is down or you haven't gone to the ATM yet.
Orders without payment will be deleted.
No payment = no order (I check all payments before ordering)
Orders accepted on a first-pay basis.
1st payment: cost of item + $2 per quantity for initial shipping
2nd payment: shipping + postage + 50c handling fee
SHIPPING UO --> Vpost: free
Vpost --> SG: 10% off if still valid. Split by units.
Rough Guide (Do NOT use this to calculate your initial shipping)
0.5 units: small accessories, undies
1 unit: small tees/tops
1.5 units: bigger/thicker tops, dresses/skirts,
2 - 3 units: heavier/longer dresses, bottoms like shorts, bermudas, pants, jeans, jackets
Above is subject to revision after I have seen the actual items. Volumetric weight is usually charged eventually so even if your item is light, it may be bulky and so incur higher shipping.
Strictly Normal/Registered mail only ($0.50 handling fee applicable).
Absolutely no meetups or self-collection.
I reserve the right to send your items in a Postpac box (payable by you) if they are awkward in shape and difficult to wrap or fit into an envelope.
I leave a return address on every parcel. Should you opt for normal mail and (suay suay) your parcel gets lost, I cannot be held responsible. I can only provide you with info like the wrapping used, mailing date/place so that you can ask Singpost to help you trace your parcel.
*By taking part in the spree, I take it that you have read and are agreeable to all the terms above* _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Note: if you order more than one quantity of the same item, please post each one separately
ORDER FORMAT (just copy & paste; pl do not change anything)
LJ nick/real name: do not switch the order around
Email Address: no updates if left blank
Account type/no.: if you want any refunds back; I won't email you to ask for it
Item #1
Item name:
Url: I will follow this to order; pl ensure it corresponds with item name
Alt: strongly advisable. State your alt NOW instead of editing your order only after item has gone oos!
Total quantity:
Total amt in USD:
Price in SGD: (Total amt in USD x 0.8 x 1.43) + (total quantity x $2) =
IB Transfer
Amt: T
r ref:
ATM Transfer
Tr ref:
*Comments will be frozen after I have checked through all orders*