2015 Posting Guidelines

Mar 16, 2015 11:15

Here are the 2015 Posting Guidelines.

2015 General Guidelines:

1. You must sign up for a date if you wish to post. You can definitely participate by providing feedback and spreading the word but if you want to share your fanworks, you must sign up for a date. That said we will have one free-for-all day, which means if you didn't sign up, you can post your work on that day. Please see the sign up post for more details.

2. All fanworks posted must Cordelia-specific. This means that we do not allow content that focuses on Charisma Carpenter or other roles.

3. All fanworks posted should be new. You can post continuations of previous work as long the previous work is easily accessible.
- What's allowed: Writing a sequel to a fic, creating a wallpaper or other graphic for an existing work, writing a follow up essay.
- What's not allowed: writing a chapter for a WIP, posting a wallpaper that you've created sometime ago.

All fanworks posted should be created specifically for spring_of_cordy

4. We do allow for pairings, crossovers and the like. However the main focus of your work should be Cordelia Chase.

5. We accept the following:
- Fanfiction
- Graphics & Art (including icons, wallpapers, headers, gifs, etc.)
- Videos
- Picspams
- Fic Recs
- Art Recs

2015 Posting Guidelines:

1. All work should be posted directly to the community. The purpose of the community is to share work with one another. If you do prefer to have feedback in one central placem you can leave a link asking that we provide your feedback is posted to your journal, commuity, etC. The purpose of posting to the community is to ensure that the work is available should your journal be locked, etc. If you have concerns about this please let me know.

2. All work should be posted with proper ratings and warnings. If your work is adult in nature, please warn as such.

3. All work should be posted under a cut.

4. There are no hard minimum to what quantity needs to be posted. If you can only write 100 words, make ten icons, etc, that's fine. We're looking for quality over quantity.

5. If you're going to post fic or art recs, please tell us why you're posting it. The list should include a minimum of five items with some thought and detail. Not just "OMG this is my favourite Cordy icon ever" in a post that has 1 Cordelia icon.

If you have further questions, please don't hestitate to ask.

2015, admin

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