Title: Chiding
ForgottenloverRating: very hard R
Warnings: Small bit of blood
Word count: 443
Summary: Schuldig had thought he made the rules clear.
Things had been going just like he wanted right up to the point where he felt a blade being pressed against his neck.
Not to say he was against the kinky stuff. He loved the kinky stuff, it was what made people think the best thoughts sometimes, and that was exactly what he wanted most of the time. Sometimes, terror could be sweet instead of sour, and he loved to be there to savor it.
He didn't, however, like it to be flipped around so that the pointy objects were directed at him while he was having his fun, and he definitely counted having their local neighborhood berserker impaled on him as 'having his fun'. He was also fairly sure that he'd made the man agree that there would be no knives involved if he went ahead with them getting together and him risking the headache of dabbling in the man's mind so he could get the best of it too.
However, mindful of the fact that he picked up the steps that were coming down the hall, he decided to be a little understanding, and thus he kept his voice to a low purr instead of the ticked off growl that it wanted to be. "Farfie, if you don't get that steel off my neck right now, we are not going to be doing this again."
The voice that answered was even lower, and the smile he got did not reassure him. Neither did the increase of pressure that drew just the edge of blood. "You're being loud Guilty One."
Hissing in sharply, he tightened his hands on the pale hips that were in his hands, squeezing even though he knew the man wouldn't feel the pain of it. "Get. It. Off. Me. You know just as well as I do that nobody I don't want seeing us will see us. Or hear us."
The grin grew, and he knew they had come to a standstill. Here, he had a choice. Take the reversed kink of kinky sex, a highly dangerous path, or back out and go home frustrated to high hell.
He decided that he didn't want to go with frustrated, and hey, danger never phased him before, so there was no reason why it should now. Especially in the middle of hot sex. The blade stayed, though the man flipped it over to the flat edge, as a courtesy, and they continued on where they left off, only with him giving the man the façade of control he'd been after.
Still, they were going to have a very long talk once they were done here.
A very, very long talk.