Title: Tea
forgottenloverRating: G
Warnings: Cid's sense of humor?
Word count: 394
Summary: Valentine knew how to pout alright.
Well, that could have gone better. The battle hadn’t been expected, but a person couldn’t really put a leash on the wild things. Not even the wild things that shouldn’t be around in the first place. Vincent the idiot Valentine had taken it on himself to tackle the critter, and it just plain hadn’t turned out well.
It likely would have, but the man hadn’t spotted the other one, the bigger of the two out there, and had gotten himself knocked cold before he could do more than put a couple bullet holes in the one he’d been gearing for.
He’d been pouting since he realized he’d had to get his pretty ass rescued.
Honestly, just cause the guy had those demons of his and some training didn’t mean he was invincible. In fact, it made him just that smidgen way too confident, and lookit him now, sulking by the window like he’d failed the world. Man wasn’t the only one in the area who could save a life, and he needed to get that idea through his thick skull.
“Valentine, quit foggin up my window and get your ass over here.”
That got him looked at, and the man sighed in a way he could only call dramatically put upon. Even so, he settled his tush on the chair across from him like he’d been told.
“Better. Now drink the tea I made ya.”
Instead of picking it up as instructed, he peered down into it as though looking for answers to all things wrong in the universe. “I shouldn’t have had any issues out there today.”
“Well, you did. What’s your point?”
“I could have gotten someone killed Cid.”
“You didn’t. In fact, the closest to dead you got anyone was you, so just quit your pouting and drink the damn tea before it gets cold. It’ll make you feel better.”
Another aggrieved sigh was his only verbal reply, but the man took a sip of his tea just the same, and he could have sworn he saw a flicker of a smile.
Even if he hadn’t, that didn’t mean it wasn’t there, and at least now he didn’t have to worry about moping.
Or pouting, or any of those other stupid Valentine things.
No, right now he just had to worry about his tea, and that was just fine with him.