dogmatix_sanRating: PG
Warnings: implied foursome if you squint, typical Saiyuki-ness.
Word count: 367
Summary: An evening at Rivendell.
A/N: More a fusion than a crossover. I don't think I really did it justice, but it was fun, nonetheless.
Prompt: Crossover: Saiyuki/Lord of the Rings, Sanzo/Goku/Gojyo/Hakkai (any, in any order): Swords and swordplay - "All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost; the old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not reached by the frost."
Looking out over the forested hills like this, it was difficult to remember that there was a war on, Hallai mused. Still, the hospitality was appreciated, for the respite from cold rocky campsites if nothing else.
“Have fun scaring the locals?” Keldir asked, draping himself over his elf’s shoulders. The ranger was warm and heavy, and Hallai took a moment to savour the human musk.
“I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talkling about,” Hallai said with a small, polite smile that Keldir probably heard more than saw. They knew each other quite well by now, after all. Enough so that Keldir had been able to keep a straight face as Hallai masterfully ‘let’ their hosts provide them with a single fairly private, large room with an adjoining bathroom.
The ranger and the elf looked west, out over the forest sprawling away from their cliff-perched quarters. Always west, these days.
“Have you seen Saiazan? It’s almost time for dinner,” Hallai asked, mostly to distract Keldir from his ears. The ranger seemed to find the pointed tips endlessly fascinating, but sooner or later gentle fingers would stray down to the two silver hoops punched through at the rim of his left ear.
It was something they never discussed, like Keldir’s parentage. Hallai’s sin. He’d been a true elf once, before he’d been captured, tortured…. broken. It was no wonder the Rivendell elves were nervous around him; even with the earings’ magic changing his appearance, there was still the very faint scent of an orc about him.
Keldir snorted derisively. “I don’t think our high and mighty Wizard is going to miss a meal, not if he’s keeping track of Goku.”
Nobody was sure what Goku was, exactly, only that he was roughly the size and mentality of a hobbit, ate enough for an entire army, and that the One Ring apparently had no effect on him at all. Well, no effect as long as he was around Saiazan.
Keldir never wanted to see those two apart ever again. The ranger eyed his battered bow and well-used sword leaned against the wall. Ever.
And they weren’t even halfway to Mordor. It was going to be an interesting journey.